Brief History of ME

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I was born early, I wasn't fully formed, I had blue eyes along with my two older sisters, my eye color changed as a grew. I had to stay in the hospital until I formed a bit. That's how this monstrosity was born!

So as I grew up I was a happy child until I found out what death was. I was around about 3-4 when I found out. I was with my first best friend, we where playing in middle of the street. She was being dumb and went to a man. The man pulled out a very sharp object and killed her. The man looked at me and smiles saying "this is how life is kid, life and death." I ran off inside crying, somehow knowing that my friend would never come back.

As I grew up, I had gains and losses of friends. But this one girl, her name being Makenzie, fucked up my life, two years from now. We became friends. Which surprisingly enough, we still are. Only because I'm afraid of her dying. The way she fucked up my life was when she got a boyfriend, her boyfriend was abusive, I told her to loose him before he gets himself killed. Ha... Me threatening to kill, scared of death. But willing to kill. Me. She stayed with him. I told her I warned her, a few days after she was still with him. He wasn't at school. She was frightened. I soon found out he was killed in a car accident. I took this opportunity to make everyone fear me. That's how I was in school. But when everyone feared me, I was outcasted. By everyone. For some reason I was happy for a while. Then I moved away.

I met a few friends who were like me, and I met this one girl I have a HUGE crush on. She seemed very nice, I took advantage of that. Me and this girl, walked home with a group. While we waited for the group, my fragile heart broke, I bursted into tears, I have one friend at the time, this friend knew something about me I didn't. So I was crying. My crush tried cheering me up, note I was 7 at the time, and she became my best friend. And to this day she still is, and she is my lover.

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