Part 8 - The Truth

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-Laneys P.O.V-
Everone was quite
I can barley handle it.
"Your wHAT"
everyone yells,
Larry spoke up, "yes, ok we are we met you guys separately you guys where our first real friends so we kept it a secret, we saw how much you disliked each other and we cared for you guys so we just hid it all,..ok."


Everything was quite
Everyone was quite
Corey speaks up,
"Laney... Is this true"
Laney nods, eyes still glazed with tears. Larry stands still by her side, both clearly still distraught, afraid that if them being siblings is too much for their friends then their identity will not go well.
Kim can clearly see that they are still very bothered, "Guys..that's not all there is, is it." Laney and lenny's expressions become even more distrought. The others turn their attention to what Kim has said and back to their red heads.
Lenny nods, " n-no....theres....more."
"Larry please, just tell us , no more secrets" Carrie says with worry. "Its not something just easy to spit out ok!"Larry holds onto Laney's hand and quickly faces the ground.
"Well what can it be to cause you both to hide for so lon-"
"WE'RE TRANSGENDER OK"Laney yells cutting off Carrie. "WE'RE TRANS!, WE ALWAYS HAVE BEEN, EVER SINCE WE COULD TALK WEVE BOTH KNOWN AND OUR PARENTS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN OK WITH IT BUT OUR OLD TOWN WASNT.Thats why we came here....and that's why we've always been to afraid to say anything about it" Laney trails off tears clearly spilling from her eyes."We arnt normal, we wernt born into the right bodies,a-and we arnt s-straight either,all we've ever wanted is to be truly happy, but others just see us as f-freaks" she stutters out.
For a while everything is quite no sounds around.
"Well" Corey speaks, walking over to Laney and putting his arm over his shoulder and pulling her into a side hug
"Lanes it pretty obvious your a girl and Larry is a boy, only a real brother would protect his sister like that" Laney look a up at Corey "and only a girl can be this emotional" Corey says wipping away her tears. Laney smiles and chuckles as Carrie and the other girls walk up to Larry and punching core lightly in the arm for that comment. "Yeah lanes your best female base player, like EVER!" Kon exclaims with a big smile on his face "and the coolest too" kin adds. "Yeah Lars you've been our only guy friend for yeears" Carrie says rolling her eyes with a smile "Yeah your the only one we can deal with!" Konnie exclaims slapping Larry on the back. "What I think every one is trying to say is just because you guys arnt what people deem "normal" dosnt meen you are any less valid, especially to all of us" Kim adds. "Yeah and since you two are clearly very important to us" Carrie says walking over to Corey "I'm sure we can, get along" Carrie says putting her hand out for a hand shake "of course" Corey nods and shakes carrie's hand.

The new extended group of friends decide to finally go to Laney's and Larry's home to finally meet their parents and head there together.
"You know guys our parents are getting married and would love for you to go" Laney explains
"OMG weddings are the funnest!" The female pair of twins exclaim simatenusaly. "BOIYA CAKE" The male pair of twins exclaim and high fiveing. "That sounds fun mina can help the girls and me with makeup and stuff" Carrie putts her arm around Laney's shoulder "and yes we are putting makeup on you, the boys can take care of Lars" Laney smiles and mods as Corey smacks Larry on the back with enthusiasm "heck yeah! The boys get to hang!" Corey exclaims as the boys woop in hype.

Our red heads couldn't be happier. They were expected, valid in the eyes of their friends. And they were all together making plans of joy for the future. After everything our twins have been through, after all this time of hiding they were out, they were together.

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