Part 6-Waiting

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Corey's P.O.V
"Ugh!, why won't lanes answer me already" I look down at my phone in my hands I've called about 20 times and left a countless amount of text but still no answer. "Dude you just have to calm down I'm sure she will explain everything soon whatever everything might be." Kin says as he leans on the stage next to me. We ment up here in the garage in the morning hoping lanes would show but she never did. All we've done is sit and wait even Kon was so worried  he could barley practice all weekend.Bzz,
I feel my phone vibrate under my hand and pick it up to see I got a text from lanes. "LANES TEXTED!" The guys instantly surrounded me to look at my phone "Well what does it say!" "Ya! Come on read it!" They both urge me to read it aloud for them too. "It says to meet her at the big olk tree at the outskirts of the park at 1:00 so see can explain everything in private, take the path that goes through the park" I look up at the clock to see it's 12:15 the park isn't that far so we should make it with time to spare. Kin and Kon look at each other and to me "we didn't even know there was a tree past the park; we've never been there" kin says looking back down at the text "Ya me neither I guesse its a place she found" I get up and open the garage and walk out "but whatever lets go get this all figured out" The guys follow me out and I shut the garage door.
Carrie's P.O.V.
"Carrie calm down I'm sure everything is gonna be ok!" Kim says trying to calm me down. Her and Konnie have been staying over at my house ever since Friday we've been trying to figure out what could be happening with Larry that could involve laney Penn of all people. "KIM ITS BEEN TWO DAYS ME AND HIM HAVE NEVER GONE THIS LONG WITH OUT TALKING SOMETHING HAS TO BE WRONG!" I've been pacing for almost non stop since I woke up. I can hear Kim sigh in frustration and konnie typing away on her phone asking praticly everyone we know if they have seen Larry at all for the last two days, but guessing by the annoyed look on her face it's still a nope. Bzz I stop in my tracks and turn to see my phone vibrate on my desk across my room. I look at the girls and they seem to have noticed it too, I instantly run to it and pick it up faster then I ever have. "ITS HIM ITS HIM" I yell in exitment to see it's Larry who texted me. The girls get up and surround me to see the text, "It says he wants us to met him at the olk tree on the outskirts of the park at 1:00 so he can explain everything private and to please take the back trail that starts from that back road we like walking by." I look at my clock to see that it's 12:15 "GIRLS WE GOTTA GO" I scream already half way out my bedroom door "BUT CARRIE WE STILL HAVE ALMOST AN ENTIRE HOUR!"Kim yells back but I can barley hear her since I was practically out the front door already. Determine to go get my bestfriend

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