"All of Aogiri Trees hideouts... I'll wipe them off the map." He said with a dark voice.

"But-!" I tried to speak up, and tell him to calm down, but he snapped at me.

"Shut up! I'll never let anyone... anyone ruin my home again." He said, clenching his face and running the scissors down his throat, cutting it a bit. It must've been made out a quinque, but where did he get it? But his wound healed just as he made it.

"Lev... calm down. You just need help-" I said, starting to walk towards him, but he suddenly swiped his scissors, stopping the edge right at my eye, barely a millimeter away.

I shut my mouth. And he turned back to the map. "I've lost the one thing I loved... therefore... what's the reason to live?" He said, sounding hysterical.

There was nothing I could do to stop his madness. Without my sister, he was lost. The Levin we knew was gone, and was replaced by this thing of pure hatred and suicidal tendencies.

"Besides..." he turned to me, a psychotic grin going to his face. "I would rather die with a bang than stay here and play barista."

Dr. Quinn POV

Driving the truck, I finally got out. My whole body was shaking and I ended up trying to jump up and down, kick a tire to make it go away.

I... I'm a failure, both as a doctor and a human being. I promised myself that I'd save ghouls, not... not this. Behind me footsteps came into my line of hearing and I looked up to see the man I was looking for.

His black hair was pushed to the side, a mole under his right eye. He smiled a ghostly smile at me. "Hello~! Did you bring her?" He asked.

I nodded slowly. "Yes. The serum you gave me worked perfectly." I said nervously.

Yes, the serum I gave Yasuhisa... the serum that caused her lungs to slow and her heart work at a much slower rate.

The man jumped up and down with glee. "Oh goody! I knew it would work, let me see~!" He said.

We walked to the back of the truck and opened the doors, inside was a perfectly dead looking Kurona... but, that was the serum at work. It reality, it causes the body to work so slow that the temperature of one's skin drops, and you breath so slow you don't look like you breath at all.

"Nice work doctor." He said, running a hand down her face. I grabbed his hand and pushed it away.

"Who are you, anyway?" I asked.

The man smiled widely. "My name is Furuta. Nice job on your part, Quinn. She'll fit right in a cell in Cochlea."

"What about your part? Where's my family? Did you let them loose? Are you going to tell me where they are?" I asked, question after question.

Furuta smirked. "Oh? Them? The wife and two little children? They were twins right? A boy and a girl? How precious, and how adorable they are... or were." He said, his voice going south.

"What do you mean?" I asked quickly, not wanting to listen to him, but I still asked questions.

Furuta smiled blankly. "Can't you see, Quinn? You've been played. Your family has been dead for weeks now." He said.

The jolts of pain went through me. Of course this is how it'd turn out! Why am I so gullible to believe a clown like this bastard would spare them? I clench my teeth, and pull out a gun from my pocket, loaded with quinque bullets.

Furuta grabbed my hand, suddenly twisting my wrist in the wrong direction, causing me to drop the gun and scream in pain. I clenched my wrist and fell to my knees as he looked down at me. He looked at the gun, then shot me in the hip, making me scream louder.

"Poor you. Don't you feel horrible? Lying to them made you feel like a monster, right? And only to find out that you don't even get your family out of this? How tragic!" He said with a face of ecstasy.

"Bastard..." I mumbled.

Furuta smiled and kicked me over, grabbed Kurona and loading her into his car. "Don't worry, she'll be right at home there. I'll make sure she gets one of the better rooms." He said. "Oh, and I wouldn't go back to Re if I were you. If they find out what you did, would they forgive you?"

But he caught himself. "Oh, but it would be more interesting if you did, makes it all the more fun in the end. Jeez, I love putting more tragedy in motion!" He said, before getting into his car and driving off.

I reach out as if I could stop them. "Wait... don't... Dammit!" I yelled, punching the ground with my good hand.

I slowly got up, and got into my car, the blood leaking faster and faster. I have to... tell them!

But before I could turn the car on, my vision blurred, and I fell face first on the wheel, the sound of the horn blaring out as I passed out.

(Trolled. You just got trolled so hard, and it makes me laugh my ass off. Yes, Kuro is alive! I'm cruel, but I wouldn't kill the main OTP of this series. But, in the hands of Furuta and Cochlea? Will Quinn die and the secret never be told? Nonetheless I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day!) - MnMs171

PS - and yes, I'm updating a lot lately on this story because I'm hype right now.

PSS - I love messing with your feelings~!

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