chapter 2

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She had brown eyes and dark hair she looked like one of those girls that you would only see at the library studying their ass off for a simple test. She also had these glasses that hid her complexion. THIS GIRL WAS DEFINITELY NOT MY TYPE!

She sat next to me, I guess this was the news Mr. Avalos had, and to think for a split second I was expecting a hot brunette, but at least she won't bother me.
Jamie's POV

He looked at me from head to toe. He was basically looking for something to look at, but I wasn't going to lie to myself I totally thought he was very cute, well more than just cute,but I wasn't going to admit it. I just sat down and adjusted my glasses.

I tried to introduce myself but he was just plain out rude and ignored me . wow what a gentlemen. I mentally role my eyes, I don't even know why I agreed to go through with this plan, because getting Noah to notice me would be harder than Amanda and I expected.

By the time the Bell rang for 2nd period I rubbed my temples in frustration and I tried to find my 2nd class, and to my surprise it was the 2nd class I had with Noah.

As school went on I noticed that I only had 2 classes with Noah which were English and Chemistry. Now all I had to do was put my plan in motion and that was to make Noah fall for me , and then rip his heart out with no mercy just like his bitch of a sister stepped all over my brother's heart.

Time went by fast and before I knew it , it was already time to go to lunch. I spotted Noah sitting with the so called "populars" and there also sat Monica.
The good thing was that Monica didn't really come by the house and never got to know who Amanda and I were. For all she knew was that her ex boyfriend had 2 little sisters and that we were all 1 year apart.

While I spotted an empty table I saw Amanda approaching me.

"Hey Jamie , how is everything going so far?" She asked me while she smiled and took a seat next to me.

" So far so good, but I don't think that I'm really capturing Noah's attention." I frowned a little.

"Well duh, Jamie you need to understand that by dressing the way you do , you're never going to capture anybody's attention."

"What's wrong with my choice on clothes?" I asked a little hurt from what my little sister just told me

"Ohhh nothing other than the fact that you look like a nun" she said as she grabbed a French fried and dipped it in her ranch.

"Well what do you recommend I should wear than?" I asked her as I pushed my glasses back in there place.

"Well first of all get rid of those hideous glasses." She pointed at my glasses

"The rest, well after school you can so drive us to the mall, Ohhh Jamie I have been trying to convince you of a makeover and this is my chance!!!" She squealed

"Sorry but that is so not happening." I said as I rolled and my eyes.

"But why not??!! She said a bit whiny

"Because ,Amanda I want him to fall for me emotionally, and not physically, but maybe later on when I achieve that we'll go for a different look on me." I said as I her her a small smile.

"Okay, but if you don't achieve it your way, can we try my way.? She asked with pleading eyes.

"Fine!" I said as I sigh

"Okay then we can continue eating our lunch then." She said with a smile as we continue to eat.

Not even 5 minutes had passed when the bell took us by surprise with its loud ringing. As I said good bye to my sister I headed to my next class, at last my final class of the day.
A/N: Hope you're enjoying the story , and new character next chapter! . Also don't be afraid to point out mistakes, I won't mind as long as you don't be rude about it. One last thing, I would like to know what you guys think, because your suggestions and opinions help me become a better writer .

-Much Love Sammy 💜

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