Stupid Mustang

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"Hey Colonel!Wachya doing?" I asked inoccently."Work.Look Yukinae, I'm busy right now.I will talk to you later.I promise."That's what he said last time."You said that last time.And the time before that.And the time before that.And every time before that.Are you even listening? "He makes me sad when he does this to me." Yes and I'm busy!Not now Yukinae! "I started to cry.Again." Not this again.What did I say about crying Yukinae?"I look at him.My eyes more mad than Ed when he's called short."Why....why must you always put me after your goddamn work?!Is it me?Am I not good enough for you?I can't believe I liked you Roy!"I sob and bump into Ed."Hey Yukinae!What's wrong?Did I do something!?"He's always had a crush on me but I ignored it.Just like Mustang did to me!Oh no!"No!No!I'm fine but I have a question *sniff* for you Ed."He nodded."Are you free tonight?"He blushed a little."N-""Yes!Brother is very free tonight.But I will be in the town!Yes thats it!"Al is so weird.But I love his cooking!"OK.Thanks!I'll be there tonight!"=timeskip=I walk up to there door.Well Winrys door.They're staying with her."Oh hey Winry!Are the boys home?I need to talk to shortcake."She nods but I see a glaring Ed behind her."WHO YOU CALLIN SHORT!I RIP OF YOUR FEET AND STICK EM TO YOU HEAD!SEE WHOS TALLER THEN!"Its cute when he gets mad."Oh hello Yukinae!""Hey Al!""Would you like to come in now?"Winry asked.I nod and walk inside.Winry made dinner and Al just sat at the table."So Yukinae why are you here?""Oh, I'm here to see Mustang.But then he ignored me."I tear rolled down my cheek.I loved him to much.He never played attention to me."Are you OK Yukinae?"Ed asked me.He looks concerned.I will my tears to stay in my eyes.He notices."I'm sorry but I have to excuse myself."I put my dish in the sink and run to the guest room crying.Little did I know it was the one Ed sleeps in.Al left a few minutes ago.Ed walked in."You know you can tell me what's going on right?"I nod and explain how Mustang ignored me how I ignored him.He looked really concerned."I'm so sorry Ed.I didn't know.Its also weird that I can use a specific alchemy.Ed its blood alchemy."He looked afraid and surprised.
"B-blood alchemy!?That's very dangerous Yukinae!" I started to cry again."Don't you think I know that!"I slam my hands together and then to the floor.I drag my right hand to the middle and drag out a sword.I run to central.I'm going to get a good mission.No matter what.I can't rely on Ed or anyone for that matter.Its not worth it.I slam Mustangs door open."Mustang!Give me a good mission! "He nodded and gave me a paper with all the info I needed.I walk out and see Ed and Al.I hide my sword in a bush and slowly scoot away.But now I'm looking at Al.Wait he was just with Ed!Wasn't he!?" A-Al!What are you doing in central?"I whisper yell to him."I'm here to help you with your mission.And so is Ed.Hey Brother I found her!"Oh no!That's not good!I hide behind Al and crouch down."You know I can see you right?"I start to get mad.Not at Ed....but myself."I'm sorry Ed.......I-Im leaving to go do a mission.But you can't come.I'm useinbg my b-blood alchemy."He picked me up so I could stand."I'm coming no matter what Yukinae.You know that already."He smiles softly."Mmmhmm.But can I at least be the leader because Mustang gave this mission to me not you guys!"They nod.I slam my hands together than to the ground.My blood is drawn to the middle.It forms a necklace that has an alchemy circle charm on it.The highest level Alchemy circle!?Cool!"Isn't it neat?I'm mean i know I have one on my back but still, its a beauty."Ed gawked at me and Al was turned around already walking away with my papers. "Createn?Why there?"" There are some alchemy useinbg bandits.The have robbed three houses and a mansion.Each one was destroyed.Its sounds really bad right?"They both nod.We go to the train station and get on the next train.Ed is sleeping.I'm wide awake.Ed is adorable when he is asleep.I get out my alchemy book and read it.It may be a review but I like reading it.Ed is tossing and turning on the seat across from me.Al is not moving at all next to me.Ed wakes up screams then looks at me."Y-yukinae your still here.....good."He's panting."Ed what the hell happened!You were tossing and turning!"He pulled me over to his seat and looked into my eyes.He cupped my cheek."You chose Mustanng over me and the used your alchemy to rip me to shreds."He squeezed me and a tear fell on my shoulder."Do you like me shortcake?You know , i would never choose that bastard.He ignored me like I did to you."He held me tighter.We fell asleep cuddling.When I woke up I saw Ed smiling at me.He looks adorable.I snuggle into his chest.It must have been like an hour because it was still daytime."Come on guys were here! "Al yelled at us.We fixed ourselves up and left the train station.I drew a simple alchemy circle on a sidewalk.I took out a giant marshmallow that was in a bag out of my pocket.I set the bag in the middle and clapped my hands together.I slammed them on the ground and the bag disappeared and the marshmallow shaped into a hippo." This is for you Metalhead!"I give it to Al."What's with the name Yukinae?"I giggle."Your a metal head!"He giggled to.We walked into Roy's office and I froze."Hello F-Yukinae?Were have you been!I missed you so much! "He hugged me." GET OFF ME BASTARD!"I push him away.He looks hurt."Why?What the hell did you tell her Full metal!?"He glared at Ed."Leave him alone!He didn't tell me anything!"He looked back at me."What?"I looked at my feet."I'm with Ed."I look at his pink face.Awww!"Wh-What?!THE HELL FULL METAL!"Ed looked happy with himself."Roy I'm not doing your mission.They are.Without me."Ed looked at me."No!Your coming with me!"I looked him in the eye."No."And with that I left.I ran crying to Winery's house.She asked why I was upset.I just cried harder.I slammed the door to 'my' room shut.I locked it to.I drew a descent alchemy circle on the floor.I took out a piece of metal and a piece of leather.I clapped my hands and slammed them onto the circle.It became a knife.A very sharp one.I can't believe he just now notices me!I hate him!Can't he understand that I'm not a little girl anymore?!AH!"WHERE IS SHE?!"I heard some guy yell.Roy."YUKINAE!"He bursted through my door."What do you want Colonel?"I said sarcasticly.He tackled me onto the bed."GET OFF BAKA!"He looked into my eyes."What's wrong Yukinae?!I want to fix it!I don't want you hanging around Full Metal! He may be a good guy but he isn't good for you!"I slap him.I crawl out from under him and leave the house.I end up bumping into Al.I tell him to hide me while Ed is wandering aimlessly down the path I end up in a ball inside of Al.His armor is quit cold.I here Ed ask Al if he is hidding something. Al nervously says no.Ed then ripps of his helmet." YUKINAE?!"He drags me out and squeezes me to death."GET OFF!I CANT BREATH!"he does and I gasp for air."Where have you been?!Iv have been worried sick!"I glare at him."I don't care."I look back at the house to see Windy quickly scoot away from the door and she was crying.Huh.Wait!She likes Edward!I mean its just now obvious to me!She made his arm and leg and is always asking if he is OK!"Winry wait!"I yell and run after her.She ran out the back door.I look oiut and see her in the field.I run up to her."I'm so sorry!I never knew Win!I really am truly sorry!"I say.She turns around.Those tears werint sadness tears.They were tears of anger and I now knew why.I had taken Ed from her.Stolen the only thing she had left.And now she hates me.I can't believe this.I have to leave.I run into the house and pack everything that's mine.And some money and food.I tear my necklace from my neck and throw it on the floor in the kitchen.I run out and past the boys.I run into town and rent a house and get a job as a waitress at a bar.I wake up and notice a note slid under my door with a little pacadge.I pick up the note:

Dear Yukinae,

     I heard that you are a blood alchemist. A very rare one as well.In the pacadge there is a stone.Swallow it or the Full metal Alchemist dies.

I pick upon the pacjadge and open it.Inside is.......THE SORCERER'S STONE?!Alphonse and Edward have been looking for this for a long time.I gulp and get a glass of water.I put the pill like stone on my tongue and gulp it down.My head pounds and I scream.My hair floats and I cry.After a few minutes of the pain I feel fine.What even happened?!I draw an alchemy circle but its high class.I slam my hands together and then onto the circle.I slide my hand to the middle and pull out a big blood sword.Its so sharp I cut my stool in half.I decided I need a new look.I go to my bathroom and look in the mirror.My bangs have grown out.I decide to cut them to were they cover one eye.I then dye a strand of my teal hair black.It looks perfect with my teal white ombre.I then feel extreme pain in my back.More my shoulder blades.I scream as blood red wings expand from my shoulder blades.I admired them and them folded them up.After I exited the place I decided why not show Ed that I ruined his entire life?I then start to cry and then I decided to fly to Winrys."Hey Win.Are the boys home?"I say holding back the ocean of tears about to come."Y-Yeah.Hey you don't look OK.Are you?"She asks.I shake !my head and stand there sobbing.She hugs me and after what seemed like hours but was only 20 minutes she asked what was wrong."I-I *sniff* ruined th-the boys l-lives Winry!"I screamed.She let me enter as the boys walked down the stairs.Ed saw me and hugged me.He sat me on his lapo and cuddled me as I sobbed.He didn't know yet.I had to tell him.Didn't I?"E-Ed."I say as I calm down."Yeah?"I look into his golden eyes."I-I got a note.With a pacadge. It had the sorcerer's stone.And the note said I had to swallow it.Or the person would kill you!"I yelled at him.His eyes widen."You what?!"he yelled back.That made it worse.By this point I was scream crying. I was saying sorry over and over.Al just stood there.The whole time.I showed them my wings but continued to cry.I cried all day.The next morning I woke up with both a headache and a belly ACH.My stomach was much worse though.I ran to the bathroom to see Ed had just gotten out of the shower.But he had a towel on.I only had on some really short shorts and a tanktop.I puked into the toilet.It tasted horrible."Y-Yukinae?!"Ed stayed dropping the towle and holding my hair.I blushed madly but puked two more times.After I calmed down Ed put on the towel and cleaned me up."Look you need to calm down.All of this depression is causing your body to like shut down.Yuki its OK.Just calm down."he said hugging me."B-But its my fault!I ruined your only chance to be normal again!I don't understand why you need it!Al I do but your perfect the way you are Edward Elric!Winry and I both see that!But you don't!"I cry into his shoulder.I look at his arm and run my fingertips across it."I-Im sorry Yukinae..."I hugged his neck so tightly I could tell he wasn't breathing.I released a little so that he could breath."I'm sorry Ed."That was all I said.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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