volleyball practice

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you played volleyball on the varsity team at your school. You were a senior, coached by coach eaton and coach smith, which weren't that much older than you. You were 18, coach e. was 22 and coach s. was 25. They were young, but they knew the game.

You walked out of the locker room with your black spandex and light blue tank top, knee pads already at your ankle. The net was set, and the volleyball cart was out, everything was there. Coach Eaton was typing on his computer, scheduling games and such. He looked up and smiled. "Hey y/n, ready for practice?"  "Yep." You bent over to pick up a white and blue striped ball, your school colors, when you hear something that almost isn't audible leave his mouth.


you acted as if you didn't hear anything, because he probably just messed something up on his computer. After you stood up, you noticed his computer was away, and he was looking right at you. "how old are you, y/n." He tilts his head slightly. "I'm uh 18 sir." You say, trying to sound respectful since he looked concerned about something. He nods his head. "Ok. Didn't know." There wasn't a gold band around his finger, so you new he wasn't married to anyone. "why are you here so early, y/n?" He raises his eyebrow.  "Uh because I have gym last period and I just thought I could work on hitting some. I didn't know you would be here so early."

"I see. Well one practice is canceled because of a JV game here, and two, I love the effort. Great work."

"Thank you sir uh–" you looked up at the clock noticing it was nearing three o'clock. "Um I better change. Schools about to let out." He bites his lip. is he trying to turn you on?
"I think you should stay."  "W-why?  S-i–" "don't call me that."   yep, trying. Well, if it's true, let him use you just this one time.

so you did. You let him fuck the living day lights out of you, for who knows how long. since your parents thought you had practice,they though nothing of it until you finished. Your mother questioned you as you got into her car, since yours was being worked on. "Hey sweetie. Why are you 20 minutes late than usual?"  Shit, you think."Oh uh sorry, practice was a little to rough. Conditioning wise. Coach eaton said we'd be doing a lot of that, conditioning." She nods her head and smiles, as she starts to drive off, not knowing what you meant by 'doing a lot of that.'

imagines: tobias eatonWhere stories live. Discover now