Things Take Time || Part 2

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"So hey, (Y/N)?" Bill asked. By now you had finished your apple, and after a few hours of goofing off, he asked this question with a very serious tone.

"Yeah, Bill?" You replied, smiling.

"You wanna go out??" At this you were quite surprised. Why would he ask you out? Does he mean this as a date? Is he trying to mess with my head?


"No, no, no! I said that wrong! I meant 'Do you want to go outside,' not what you're probably thinking!" He smiled weakly, as if he had just ruined your friendship. But really, it just made him look like more of a lovable dork!

"Heh, sure. Let's go outside. Hey, I know a really cool creek somewhere near here that we can go to!"

"Okay, cool!" Because it was sunny out, it was quite a nice day. And a little fresh air would be nice after being cooped up all day.


"So! This place looks awesome!" Bill exclaimed as you two dodged trees making it to the very edge of the running water. The entire forest floor in which the creek ran through was covered in moss, dead leaves, and very little grass, mostly light brown. Many trees grew there, green almost engulfing your vision. Very little light was let through due to the canopy of branches above your head, and what little light was let through came down in golden beams. The slightly muddy water ran with a bit of current, not too much to be swept away though and not too deep to drown. Rocks and water plants littered the floor of the steam, with few boulders lodged here and there making almost a waterfall. You kicked off your shoes and socks, and to this action, Bill did the same. The grass and moss tickled the bottoms of your feet as you steadily made your way to the water. Rolling up your pant legs, you dove in, feet first.

"IT'S SO COLD!!!" You yelled as you waded around, trying not to lose the very little feeling you had left in your feet after plunging straight in.

"Oh c'mon, it can't be that bad!" Bill said as he stepped in. "HOLY CRUD IT IS!!" You giggled, not feeling your legs anymore. Bill started to wade towards you. He hit a slippery spot, and as he fell, your first instinct was to grab his hand. And you did.

"Uh... " Bill said regaining his balance. "Thanks..." He said, barely in a whisper. You could see, and almost feel the warmth climbing up his face, and almost up to his ears, turning him red.

"No problem," You replied, "It is a little slippery, as you have experienced, so watch out..." You were about to add, 'So you don't hurt yourself," but you felt it was too much. You weren't his mother, after all. Then he let go of your hand to venture a little farther.

"Hey Bill, there's a fish!" You exclaimed as it swam between the two of you.

"This place is breath-taking! I wonder how-" He didn't even have time to finish his sentence as a raindrop plopped in his mouth. "What the-?" He said. You giggled.

"Rain." You answered to his almost-question.

"Ah. As I was going to say, I wonder how this all formed so well."

"So do I, then I just want to enjoy it before it's gone." You said as you walked over to a spot where Bill had been prior. You remembered that, but only that. You soon remembered as you slipped and fell, Bill too far away to catch you.

"Oh shoot (Y/N), are you okay??" Bill asked, urgency in his voice, making it seem as if he really cared.(And he did) You almost swallowed some water replying.

Things Take Time (A Human Bill Cipher X Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now