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For a boy who is lost, the world would expect Troye to have a better understand of how not to treat people.

The lost boys weren't afraid of Troye, they quite enjoyed his company over Pan's. Despite that, Troye was only second-in-command so he didn't control anything that went on at camp unless it was absolutely necessary.

His attitude towards everyone was a different topic. Troye was generally a nice boy. But after he lost count of the years he had been with Pan on Neverland, he was known to lash out at the lost boys. It usually happened in instances where the lost boys weren't putting in their full effort or they had pissed off Pan. The latter was uncommon because Pan had his own way of dealing with that; long story short, it wasn't pretty. Still, Pan's arrogant attitude had rubbed off on Troye over the years.

When a new lost boy came around he liked to do one of two things: tease him or completely ignore him. He hated the new lost boys because they were all too sad. Troye was sad too, but he hated hearing the younger ones whine and cry all night long.

"Troye, did you hear me?"

Troye's eyes adjusted away from the fire in the middle of the camp and over to one of the older lost boys, Devin. He had no idea how long he'd zoned for, but it was long enough for him to notice that Pan had left the camp grounds.

"I didn't happen to catch it, I got caught up in thinking. What is it now?"

Devin rested his spear against the side of the tree he stood near. A look of what seemed to be fear stood bright in his eyes.

"Pan stormed out of here awhile ago looking pretty determined without saying a word to any of us and he hasn't come back yet. He say anything to you?"

Troye shrugged and anxiously pushed a few curls out of his eyes. "Nothing to me, Dev. He'll come back soon like he always does."

"Right, I do."

A sudden familiar voice behind them startled them both. Troye twisted around and was met with a pair of green he had memorized all too well. Also, a smirk that only meant one thing.

"Peter," Troye spoke, the smile on his face evident in the way he spoke. "You've got something to tell me, I'm guessing."

"You seem to have guessed correctly," he returned, still with a smirk.

Pan was the first to break eye contact when he noticed Devin staring at the two of them. His eyes darkened as he began to speak to him through gritted teeth.

"Devin, head on back to the others. We won't be gone long."

The shorter boy nodded quickly and rushed back over to the fire where the rest of the lost boys were settled. Once he got into a conversation, Pan planted his eyes and focus back onto Troye.

He held a hand out for Troye and nodded his head at it.

"We need to go just outside of camp, we can walk there. There's no need for me to poof us way less than a kilometre away," he stated. "Now c'mon, I've got someone for you to meet."

Troye's heart sunk once the word someone processed in his mind. He had never been this excited about someone arriving on the island unexpectedly.

He shrugged off his feelings of sadness. Instead he took Pan's hand into his and started to make their way off of camp grounds. He still seized to understand what was so important about someone showing up around here. It happened all the time at night, when children would visit in their dreams.

"Trust me, you'll understand why this is exciting me when you see him," Pan chuckled.

After a few short minutes of walking, the pair finally made it to another big camp ground looking opening. In the middle of the opening was a rock, and on it sat a person. Troye figured it was the boy Pan had been so excited about. All he was doing was sitting on a rock, which made Troye even more confused.

He leaned into Pan's ear and whispered, "I thought this was supposed to be exciting."

"Go talk to him."

Troye's eyes widened. "What?"

"You heard me. Go talk to him," he ordered. "Trust me, you're gonna have a field day with this one."

The boy with curls finally agreed and released his hand from Pan's hold. He edged his way closer to the boy on the rock and stopped when he was a foot or two away.

"You're new."

The boy on the rock gasped and flinched at the sudden sound of Troye's voice. From the looks of it, he didn't seem to be happy with his current situation. He couldn't blame him, they were all the same way when they arrived on Neverland.

"What's wrong, kid? You been crying?"

The boy nodded his head almost unnoticeably.

Troye rolled his eyes. "I asked you a question, so use your words."

He still didn't get a verbal response out of the boy. Instead, he watched as more tears flooded from his eyes. Out of all the times he had greeted new habitants, none of them had cried this suddenly. None of them had cried at all when Troye spoke to them. That was usually Pan's fault.

"Okay, then..." Troye paused. "Tell me your name."

The boy sniffled and choked back a few tears as he looked back up at Troye.

"My name?"

Troye nodded in reassurance, trying to hold back any anger that could have bursted out of him.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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