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What Is Pasta?

Italy stared out of the kitchen window. He sighed in boredom, and proceeded to walk throughout the kitchen as his shoes clicked on the tile floor. He then just decided there was nothing else to do, so he just lay on the floor. Usual day for him. Germany had left for a meeting, but Japan was home. But really, Japan always stayed in his room when Germany was gone, and didn't come out and always warned Italy to stay out. He wondered why, but didn't think it was that interesting, only a little bit.

Out from behind the couch waddled out Mr. Nickels. He was a tubby cat, and had nickel colored fur. He stretched and purred. Then Italy got up onto his all fours and padded around the cat, pretending to be a kitten, and mewed. (This is literally me right now) Mr. Nickels rubbed up against Italy and Italy ran back to the kitchen to get cat treats. Germany actually hated the cat, and how it oddly licked the couch, leaving it wet and uneven. But Italy insisted on getting him, saying it was good to have a cat and a dog, which Germany has a german shepherd named Berlitz, that is actually scared of Mr. Nickels.

Italy fed Mr. Nickels at least fifteen cat treats, (considering that's how he got to his weight) and put them back. Italy then sat on the couch and then decided he didn't want to sit on the couch, and then rolled onto the floor. The living room was slightly large, and had beige walls that made him go insane but Germany and Japan loved it. The walls literally had no pictures, and that really bugged him. All that was there was a clock made of metal to represent the sun. The only real things in the room were: A couch, covered in fur that Germany constantly cleaned, a grandfather clock, a television on a stand, and a window that had a place to sit to look out of. A few books were on a coffee table in the center of the room, but they were pretty boring, all of that Frankenstein and stuff. He preferred the fairy- type fantasy.

Then he looked into the corner of the room, and that's when he saw it. A spider. (Okay, trust me, this is going to be longer, and it does get interesting. I just need some scenery here and some random things to get me going. It's always worth the wait) "JAPANNNN!!" He screamed as loud as possible. This spider was literally only like, one centimeter long, and he saw it as an inch. "JAPAN JAPAN JAPPPAAANNNN!!!" He screeched as he loudly banged on Japan's door. Japan always had a thing to turn off the lights before he opened the door. So many secrets. Japan opened the door when Italy was halfway through punching the door, and got unpleasantly smacked on the head. "What is it, Itary??" He said, holding his forehead in an agitated voice. "There's a spider! It's on the wall and it's really big! Get it pleaaassee!!!" Japan mumbled, "Fine.." and got a paper towel from the kitchen ( I seriously need to draw out their houses.. It's like in each story they have a new house..) Japan walked into the living room, and looked around. "Where is it?" He asked, wanting to get back into his room. "Right there! In the corner.." Japan saw it, but his eyes widened, and he lost all words. "Itary, we have to go.." "Huh?? Why Japan? I didn't think the spider was that bad! Is it that bad?? What if it had BABIES in our rooms?? Is it that bad??" Italy began to hyperventilate, but Japan quickly shook him out of it.

He grabbed Italy's arm and led him to Japan's car, which was a blue Mitsubishi, and he did not trust Italy driving it. Like, at all. "What are we doing, Japan? Is the spider going to kill Mr.Nickels?? I can't live without Mr. Nickels!!" Japan looked at Italy, and only said, "It's for the best." And started the car. "Where are we going? Japan?" Japan was starting to get more agitated, and then finally said, "Be quiet, Itary! We have to go tell Mr. Germany." He drove to where Germany was, which was at an Oktoberfest with Prussia. When Italy and Japan came up to him, Prussia looked and said "Aw! Look who came!! West, I didn't kn-hiccup-ow you had frieennddsss!" He swung his beer around and patted Italy's face. He was clearly drunk. Germany quickly smacked Prussia's hand away as he said firmly, "No." "Aw.." Prussia said, and hiccuped. "Vhat do you vhant? Vhy are you here?" Italy tried speaking to tell him about how they left Mr. Nickels, but Japan stopped him. "We have to evacuate our home. It is no ronger safe."

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