Chapter 02 - The Girlfriend

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{Play More Than This - One Direction}

Kristine's POV

"Hi babe!" Basty's greeting to his girlfriend, Caroline, the moment we saw her at the parking lot.

"Now I know why you're busy, you're with the geek." Oops. I forgot to mention, Caroline and I were never on good terms. Tss.

"Babe she's not a geek and she's my bestfriend. Actually, I'm with her because she helped me pick the best flowers for my girlfriend. Happy monthsary babe!" He kissed her cheeks then wrapped her in a hug. I hate this scene, gotta get outta here.

"Aww. Thanks babe! You're the sweetest!" I can't take this anymore. Gotta get outta here NOW!

"Ehem. Basty I have to go. It's our last sem for college so I have to research for my thesis." I interrupted them.

"You're really diligent! But loosen up too sometimes okay?"

"Yeah. You should really loosen up and find someone else so you don't have to be my boyfriend's pet." I was about to leave when Caroline stated.

"Stop it Babe! See you around Kaye!"


I was bothered with Caroline's comment. I know she means something by that. I went to the library to take it off my mind but I cannot concentrate. Haist.

"Looks like you're in big trouble." Someone stated.


"Hi! I'm Adam. I've been looking at you for quite long now and it seems you have a big problem."

He's observing me? "Hi! I'm Kristine. It's nothing."

"I know you. I was a transferree last semester. I have irregular class and we're classmates in some subjects, mostly majors."

"Really? Sorry I haven't noticed you."

"How would you notice me if you're only looking at your bestfriend in Engineering Deparment?"

"What do you mean?"

"That you're secretly inlove with your bestfriend."

"Whutt?!" Am I that obvious? My gosh! Maybe that's why Caroline hates me. But I know I'm still not crossing my friendship line with Basty, do I?

"Sorry. Am I too straightforward?" He apologized.

"Way too straightforward actually." I was actually caught off guard.

"Sorry." He keeps apologizing though I can say he's not meaning it by what his eyes are expressing.

"It's okay. You're only saying the truth." I got no more reason to deny it. Maybe it could help me by getting my feelings out. "But what to do? I'm inlove with my bestfriend who's inlove with his girlfriend." I knew it! Once I let my feelings out, I couldn't stop myself from speaking it out.

"But what to do? I'm inlove with my classmate who's inlove with her bestfriend who's inlove with his girlfriend."

At first I thought he was mimicking me, I was a little late to realize that he's meaning something. "What?!"

"Ha? Nothing. The bell rings for our first subject. Come on!"


Krinnngggg.. Krinnngggg.. Krinnngggg..

Uh! 2am. Who's in their right mind to call at this early?! I protest while putting my glasses on to see who's the caller.

"Basty!" I immediately got up the moment I saw his name flashing on my mobile. Why the hell he would call me this early?! This might be an emergency.

"Hello Basty?!"

"Hey!" He sounds upset.

"What happened?!"

"No, nothing happened. It was just that I miss you Kaye."

If I didn't know him well, I might have gone hysterical cause he misses me. But I know him more than he could imagine that it pains me sometime.

"Can I see you through our windows?"

I did as he asked. "Are you drunk?"


"Sebastian, you always forget that I know you so well. Your red cheeks are giving it away. I know you're drunk."

"I just had few bottles." He confessed. This must really be something serious because he's not that type of guy who drinks his problem.

"Come on Sebastian! Spill the beans, what happened?"

I heard him sighed. Then silence after.

"Hey I'm here for you. What is it?"

"My relationship with Caroline is getting complicated. We fight most of the time." I can feel that he is really in trouble while saying it.

"And about what is it this time?"

"She's really jealous of you." He's features saddened the moment he spoke those words.

I'm feeling that I wouldn't like where this conversation is going to. However, I keep a calm facade and as I asked, "What does she want this time?"

"Kristine.." He seems so bothered just by mere saying my name. This is really a serious issue for him to call me by my real name.

"It's okay Basty, you know you can always talk to me." I'm trying hard not to think of the possibilities how this conversation may turn into a disaster. Negative things won't do me any good. I'm just over thinking. Yeah, it's just over thinking.

"She wants me to keep distance from you." Tears fall down from his eyes. "I know it is so unfair to you but I really love her Kaye."

Did I just say it was okay he's talking to me? Because it is not! Unfair? No, it is more than just unfair! It was so unreasonable and childish! What the heck? Sebastian and I are bestfriends! How could Caroline ask this to him? I cannot imagine how she can simply have Sebastian at her beck and call? But at the end, I know I am just his bestfriend. All I can do is to be a good friend on his side. No, scratch that. A good friend from a distant. Gosh! I couldn't stop the tears brimming from my eyes. This is the first time he is seeing me cry. He must understand that this is really hard for me too.

"We are still friends Kaye. It's just that my time with you would be lessened. But I will always be here for you."

I took all my time to contemplate on this. I know I am matured enough to do the right thing. This is for the best; oh crazy things you'll do for love! This is actually insane! I waited for my voice to steady before I say, "I cannot do anything but understand whatever situation you are into Basty. That's what a good friend would do." Yeah. That's what a good friend would do. Convincing myself of my last statement. I looked at him. His eyes are closed. I can see he's also in pain comprehending what I mean.

"I love you Sebastian!" Saying it loud and clear in between my sobs. It really hurts! But this time I let myself love him for one last time, even if it hurts, even if it cannot be given to me in return.

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