Final Author's Note

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I can't believe it's over.

I want to thank you all for the love and support you gave me when writing this story, it means so much to me, and I can't get over how amazing you all are. 

I love you all with everything in me, and I want to thank everyone who voted, commented and just read my story in general.

Now for the shameless self-promo... If you enjoy my writing, then please check out my other stories.


Shadow- Austin Mahone, the boy who has a major crush on Noah Bradley. Noah Bradley, the girl who doesn't know who Austin Mahone is. But will one trip change everything? Or will then never be known as more than strangers?

Bulletproof- "What do you mean you're sorry?!" I scream "It's too late for you to be sorry" I shove him against the wall.

"It can't be too late, please, you've got to believe me"

"Believe you?! I saw it with my own eyes! Actions speak louder than words Carter, and your actions scream this was all a mistake" I spit, my eyes filling with tears.

"Baby please, this can't be a mistake, I love you" He begs, looking utterly pathetic.

"If you truly loved me, you would've never done this, I know I shouldn't have trusted you"

"I do love you, I swear, I need you! Please don't leave me" He gets on his knees, pleading. But I turn away and walk to the door, he screams for me to come back, but I have no desire to continue this, I turn around one last time.

"I thought we were bulletproof, but you always had the gun and I sat patiently, hoping and praying that you'd never pull the trigger, but you did, you shot me, you shot us and now it's over" I walk out of his house, and out of his life, we were toxic anyways, this is best for the both of us.

Still being written: 

Sunlight: "A story in which a serial killer stops killing, not because of his sympathy. But simply because he forgot. He forgot because he fell in love. She was his Sunlight.

Pinky Promise: A story in which a boy and girl make a pinky promise as a young age, and she tries her hardest to keep it, no matter how difficult it may be.

Come Find Us: A story in which a couple, whom are judged for their relationship, and being too young for a serious relationship, run away leaving a series of clues and video diaries on where they're going next.

She Stayed: Austin Mahone is notorious for the countless women he has coming and going from his penthouse. Every night there's someone new. He wants nothing more than for one to stay, but they never do. Until she changed everything.

Surrogate: A story in which a man, falls for his surrogate mother, whom is carrying a child for him and his gay lover.

My Heart: A story in which, a boyfriend gets arrested for a crime he didn't commit and his girlfriend, along with the help of her 4 brothers, attempt to prove his innocence.


For the last time on this story,
I love you all very much,

Yours Truly,


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