A Piano Problem

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    Thank you for reading this story, if you like, please comment, vote, and follow me! Picture up top is Barbra Palvin, playing MacKenzi. Xoxo-M.J. Cook

   "Yes Mum, I understand, I will come visit soon! I'm just very busy right now, with school, and work, and...stuff." I try to ignore my mother over the phone, hoping she'll get fed up with me and end the call fairly soon.

         "MacKenzi Jean, if work and money is causing you too much stress, enabling you to come visit your family like you should be, than I think you should quit your job at that damn diner! You and I both know your Father and I can pay for your collage, apartment and any other thing you need! It's really not-".

        "A problem. I know, I know, you mention it all the time." 'If onto you knew that my job, and collage wasn't the real reason I didn't come see you.' I thought mindlessly to myself as I, fully zoning out my mother now. 

      All of a sudden I hear an huge BANG! outside my door, soon followed by multiple howls of loud laughter, in the hallway from my door to all the other doors on this floor of the apartment complex. Ugh, stupid neighbors. Most neighbors I have (have had) are either other collage students like me, who decided campus dorms were stupid, or they couldn't afford them, and then there were the elder residents at the top of the apartment complex, who just wanted a place to stay that wasn't a retirement home. I have dealt with my fair share of obnoxious, 'party-till-eight-A.M.' teenage neighbors, and a fair share of the elder, 'shut-the-hell-up-because-I-want-some-peace-and-quiet.' neighbors. Either way, I'm pretty good at not getting annoyed with my neighbors, but for some reason, all this banging around and loud laughter seemed to annoy me very much.

      "MacKenzi, you're not even listening to me, your own, lonely little mother, who is on the god damned phone with you. How rude, ignoring me? I expect you to at least-"

       "Look mom, there is some things I need to take care of, school work, chores, cleaning, studying, etcetera, so I'm just going to have to let you go, tell dad and Felix I love them, take care. Love you, bye!" I interrupt her, and hang up the call as quickly as possible, trying not to hear her response.

       I close my eyes, putting my fingers up to my temples and rubbing them smoothly, trying to calm myself after the too long, phone call from my mother. I hear more banging and disruptive and obnoxious laughter on the other side of my wall. To my far left, I have a hall that leads to a bathroom, a small closet, and a guest room. Next to the door you enter in, to your left, is my open kitchen, with my cupboards, sink, dish washer, oven, refrigerator and freezer, etcetera.
       Right in front of you as yo walk in is my living room space, with chairs, a love seat, couch, sixty inch flat screen, and almost every gaming system known to man (curtesy of my parents, as gifts for being terrible to me all my life).  I have my ' room corner' as I like to call it, which include my bed, desk and dresser on the farthest wall side opposite of the wall with the door, right behind my living room. It's all closed off, has four walls, as if it's a cubicle. The rest of the room that's not taken up with my room cubicle is my music stuff. I have all my instruments, guitar, piano, bass, drum set, mic,  headphones, DJ equipment, and laptop set up, because I'm super big into music.
         The whole right wall, living room , music room, doorway, all of it, is my 'art wall'. I've painted that wall with chalk paint for half, (from the doorway to the living room), so I can keep my schedule, reminders assignments and appointments in check. On the other half, (living room, music room, and bed room, is my wall that I've drawn on, my open canvas. It's painted on with acrylics, drawn on with pencil, pen and sharpie, highlighter. I've drawn big, important sketches, like music symbols, and important quotes that inspire me, to pointless, no-importance-at-all drawings, like when I'm board and need something to do, or when I'm on the phone with my mother, and have to just listen to her complain, nag, and complain some more.
            I snap my eyes open as I hear more loud noise, clattering, and stomping mixed with laughter. I'm about ready to go over next door and ask them to shut the hell up, when the totally unexpected and unthinkable happens. All of a sudden a huge, black, baby grand piano smashes right through my chalk wall, with a boy on top, creating an even bigger whole, and mess. The boy eventually falls off the piano, and lands on my plush white carpet, but the piano, still stuck through my wall. It's halfway in my apartment room, halfway through my neighbors.
           I stand there, shocked and livid. I stare at the brown, curly haired, bandana wearing boy at my feet. Going to the piano still stuck in my wall. Then to the two other boys, standing behind the piano, on the other side of the wall. One bright blonde hair, almost white, and one Asian...okay, maybe not Asian, but dark haired, tall and slim figured boy, next to the bright blond, not as slim, boy to his right. To make matters worse, another male enters the other room, walking in with grocery bags.

         "Guys, I think you should help me go grab the rest of the gro-" the blond haired, blue eyed, nicely built, tall, handsome boy stops mid-sentence, and just stares at me, who is currently gaping at the sight in front of me. I'm not sure wether as to cry, murder these boys, crawl in a hole and die, or murder these guys. I look around and access the mess in front of me, one more time, before blinking rapidly, trying to clear my head. I notice all four of the guys are staring at me, waiting for a response, reaction, anything.

         "Would someone please tell me why the fucking hell, IS THERE A BABY GRAND PIANO, AND RANDOM ASS GUY IN MY APARTMENT WALL, AND ON M FLOOR." I raise my voice as I continue, but end up whispering in the end, too devastated to really say much else. I stand there, fidgeting with my hair, looking around, waiting for someone else to reply.

         "Mates," the brown, curly haired, bandana wearing boy at my feet stands up before me, looks around to his friends, and stares back at me, before continuing.

          "I think we might have a bit of a piano problem." He states to us all.


Word count: 1,209
Hey, I'm Mack, and welcome to the first chapter of my new fan fiction, called Shared Walls. It's about a couple of my favourite Aussies, also known as 5 Seconds of Summer. I hope you've like this chapter, and book so far, I have big expectations for this book too, so don't forget to fave, share, and follow me!

Xoxo- M.J. Cook

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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