"I was, um, err,-." He looked down, out of Ginny's glare. "Digging through Dad's study." He muttered.

"Why?" Harry, Ginny and all the future kids asked.

"I was bored, so i grabbed something random and Teddy started calling for me."

"I was looking for Dad!" Teddy said.

Remus and Harry looked uncomfortable at the word Dad. Harry looked guilty, and Remus looked sad.

"I was bored ."

"I'm sure he'll get it from Mum big time
when we get home." Teddy said.

Now Ginny and Tonks looked sad and guilty.

"So, back to telling us things." Sirius said.

"Ok. What do you want to know?"

"What does the Silver Trio do?"

"We try to help people, but just end up in trouble." Rose got quiet at the end.

"They sound like the three of us." Ron laughed.

"That's how we got the name." Scorpius shrugged.

"How old am I ?" Ron asked.

"38." Rose said.

"Me?" Harry asked.

"37, turning 38". "Come on people. Just do the math!" Rose said. Hermione gave her a stern look but she just rolled her eyes.

"So, I'm 22 when I have you? When do I, err, we get married?"

"20." Rose said.

"What about us?" Ginny asked.

"You were 18." Lily said.

"Why'd we wait so long to have kids?"

"You already had me. You said I was enough. The runts were surprises." Teddy said.

"Except me!" Lily said.

"Yeah, dad wanted a girl really bad." Teddy said.

"I did?"

"Yep." Harry frowned.

"Yeah, he loved Rosie, he wanted a baby girl, too."

"Wow Harry, demanding, much?" Ginny teased.

"Well, we should go contact Dumbledore." Remus said.

"Dumbledore! I have always wished I could meet him." Scor said.

"What?" Harry yelled.

"Way to go, Scorpius." Rose muttered.

"Big trouble, Sister o' mine." Freddy said.

"I see that, mine o' brother." Roxy

"No Dumbledore?" Harry yelled.

"I forgot this is his angry time." Lily muttered.

"Not really. You always said, Dumbledore is always around, as long as there are those who are loyal to him." Al said.

"Dad, promise to take this calmly?" Lily said. He gave her a look. "Right. Well, Snape kills Dumbledore." She said.

"He what!" People were yelling.

"Relax!" Teddy yelled. "Come on, Harry has better judgment than that. He wouldn't name his kid off a real cold-blooded killer." Teddy said.

"Snape is good. He cares about you. He loved Lily, the first I mean." Lily said.

"Ha, cares about me, ha!" Harry laughed.

Lily faked looking on the verge of tears. Harry's eyes widened. "No! Don't cry!"

"And now I see why she doesn't get in trouble." Ginny muttered. "You're a push over."

"I don't like whenever girls cry!" Harry said.

"I told you, you'd understand my name later. Everything else comes with it."

"You won't tell us?"

"You won't believe us." Molly said.

"New subject, do you and Victoire have a kid?" Bill asked.

All the kids laughed

"I think you mean how many kids do you have" James laughed.

"You have more than one kid?" Bill said angrily.

"You're so young!"

Teddy nodded. " yeah well we have the twins, Amélie and Remus. they're three. Then there's little Aimée who's one."

Bill looked absolutely livid.

"How, wh- aghhhh how could you get a 17 year old pregna- "

"Okayyyy Bill lets go to another room now" Sirius said while dragging bill to the living room.

When Sirius returned
Teddy pulled out a photo of the small family.

"Aw! They're adorable. And Victoire is pretty." Tonks said.

"Well, with Fleur as her mom, she'd have to be." Bill said.

Everyone looked at him. Ron nodded.

"She has to be. She's a veela." Hermione said, rudely.

"She's also one of your best friends." Rose said.

"What!" Hermione and Ginny gasped.

"She's my godmother." Albus said.

This time, Ginny fainted. Harry caught her.

"Mum!" All four kids ran to her.

"I'm ok." She muttered.

Ron shooed at Harry's hands. "Eh, Eh, Eh. Hands off, Potter, you're not married yet." Harry jumped back, almost dropping Ginny. James caught her.

"Thank you." She muttered. He grinned.

"You're welcome. You know, it's usually Lily I'm catching. Though, I am taller than you." He said.

"You are?" She asked.

"You don't get much taller." He said.

"Great." She muttered.

Everyone laughed. Then Hugo's stomach growled and they laughed again.

"Can we get some dinner?"

"You are Ron's son." Mrs. Weasley laughed, ruffling his hair.

"You always say that." He grinned. "Mum says it too, every time I need new clothes." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, that sounds like Ron, growing every two seconds." She said.

"I can't help it!" Both boys said.

Hermione rolled her eyes again. "Let's eat, shall we?"

Yeaaaa ok byee
(Pic of James on side)

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