"Look, let's not start something okay? Whoever wants to guard the car while the rest rummage around can volunteer. If nobody wants to do it then just lock it up. We shouldn't be too long," Ash suggested. Harry's jaw was set, obviously not happy. His lips pursed together in a thin line, paling in colour as he did so. His sudden change in attitude and mood was surprising, he's never snapped like that before over something so irrational.

His eyes met mine as he snapped his head to my direction. "You're staying."

I scoffed. "Excuse you, I am not staying. You need me out there just as much as we need you."

That was a complete lie but if I were to take it back it would only diminish my point. I refuse to sit and wait in a vehicle while the others move heavy machinery and collect items in the numbing weather while I just babysit some food and the Land Rover.

"You are staying and that is final. I will literally strap you to your seat if you so move an inch."

I sat back and away from him. His cold exterior reminded me of the time where he had found me and held me against my will. Whether he was just frustrated with the situation at hand or at something else, I don't understand why he was taking it out on us; especially now. I shifted my gaze out the window and huffed, crossing my arms. My actions and behaviour were childish, but Harry's whole attitude did a complete one-eighty and I only wonder where the Harry from this morning had gone to.

"Just let her come, man. You could lock up," Lark began but was soon rudely interrupted by Harry.

"You," he prodded his friend's chest, "are the one who got us into this mess. It's your entire fault. You never did enough around the cabin, you never help out, and your skills mean shit to what the rest of us can do. You're a useless whining coward, and I'm so sick of your crap. All you're ever good for is mourning the death of your fucking ex —"

"Harry!" Ash shouted.

My chest heaved as I stared between the three boys. Savannah had kept herself on Ash, but did flinch as he shouted. I watched Lark's expression turn into a frown, then anger. He looked down to the gear stick and laughed humourlessly while rubbing the back of his neck.

"I always thought you would be the understanding one. To help me through all the crap I've been through. But it's nice to finally know where you stand." Again he chuckled with a shake of his head. "Just like Uni, the bad attitude and sour mood. I don't think you realise how many times I stood up for you, how many beatings I took and how many punches I threw because some idiots bad-mouthed you. But... They're right. You snap. Of course you don't understand what I'm going through; you've never been in love! You've never felt how I was feeling, completely on top of the world, only to have it ripped away from you in the worst way possible.

"I could blame you. You could've helped me, but you didn't. But I know it isn't your fault. I'm sorry for being useless. I'm sorry for whining so much, because the only person that understood me is dead and the only sympathy you showed me was a pat on the back and a 'it gets better, Lark'. So fuck you, man. Fuck you!"

He slammed the door with so much force that the entire car shook. Harry's face still expressed anger, but no other emotion, and that aggravated me. His unnecessary approach and hurtful words said to Lark weren't needed. Lark was definitely not useless back at the cabin. He's a manual worker, fixing the cars and generators, cleaning after others, and directing us to our new destination. My heart heavily thudded against my chest for what he said about receiving hits back at the University, although it's quite uncommon at that age — and certainly not high school — he still stood up for Harry.

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