Lore & Lesson : Faker and Phases

Start from the beginning

Now back to the Fakers

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Now back to the Fakers. Fakers are a clone of the CoDa in its physical form. They have a mind of their own but also have the same personality as the CoDa they split themselves apart from. The true form stays in the Color Lens, doing their jobs as CoDas while the Fakes live on with their lives.

The very reason why Fakers exists is to pass down the CoDa bloodline from one generation to the next. The fakers will live their normal lives, be educated, get a career, become married and have children while the true forms of the CoDas will be doing their job as exorcists fighting off the Colorless. It's a perfect balance. If either were to die, it would cause serious trauma to the other side but more on that later.

Let's going to the Phases that a chosen human has to go through to become a CoDa.

Before the first phase, there is Pre-Phase.

This phase goes throughout the Human's youth (From the age of 5-12). In this phase, the spirits observe humans, they watch how the human grows and is raised. Depending on how the human is grown up, the spirits will either decide what Xorlaz ability the Human will have or will move on to a different human due to their lack of connection with the one they once chose.

After that begins the first phase, The Awakening.

The phase where the human is officially chosen to become CoDa, and where the Spirit grows a connection with the human. The Humans experience a dream and each chosen human experiences a different dream than the rest. No two dreams are the same.

The second phase is Phase of Separation.

This phase occurs around 1 to 2 months after The Awakening. In this phase, a major amount of the human soul becomes torn apart from the physical body, splitting itself in two. One side becomes the CoDa, while the other becomes a Faker. The Codas go through an extremely painful process and each CoDa experiences this Phase in different ways.

The third phase is known as Growth.

This is phase will last more than 3 months. In this phase, The CoDas will be experiencing growth in knowledge, combat, and power. This is the phase that Nathan will be experiencing next.

The final phase is known as Pilgrimage.

Once given enough knowledge about their world and their power, they are then set off to find their own strength and purpose. Most CoDas refrain from taking this phase immediately and go to a detour as a Guardian for another CoDa. Those who take the Pilgrimage are said to travel across the world doing different operations and missions while also improving their combat capabilities. The pilgrimage will last until the day the individual CoDa has passed on. 

Oh, here's some trivia for you.

-Did you know? An average life expectancy for a CoDa is 130 years, an average life expectancy for a Fake is 70-80 years. If a Fake dies a peaceful death, the trauma will not be as impactful to the CoDa as it is if a Fake dies in a painful death.

Now let us move on to-

Hex: That's enough Cait, I can take over from here.

C.A.I.T.: But master, we haven't gone over the concepts of Burst Ranks or  Vociferation yet. I'm 100% certain those concepts were shown in the past chapters of the CoDas story line but weren't fully explained.

Hex: Yes, they were shown but we can save it for the next Lore and Lesson. You may leave now.

C.A.I.T. : ...If you say so, Master. CoDa Artificial Intelligence Tutor signing out.

Shuts Down

Hex: *Turns to you* So, whatcha all think of my awesome A.I.? Cool? Fascinating? Generic? Well, yeah I'm sure you have seen plenty of stuff like this before but to be honest, A.I.'s are awesome when they don't try to kill off all of the humanity. *Terminator Flashbacks*

Hex: But, hey, I'm not here to talk about Cait. I'm here to talk about my story. So let me ask you all something.

Hex: What...were you expecting from this story of mine? Was it to see thrilling action-packed scenes? Adventuring into the unknown yet familiar world? Did you expect this to be light-hearted?


Hex: Now, I ain't George R.R. Martin to where I enjoy making my characters suffer. But I do enjoy writing dark themed stories, I have to let my characters suffer, one way or another.

Hex: I think you all understand that the CoDas isn't just some pure action-packed story.  Action is my favorite genre but I also want my story to have a lot of interactions and dialogue, where the reader can feel the bond of the characters like Zack and Nathan. I want my story to be alive, not just be entertainment.

Hex: But here's the kicker that I think may either turn you off or make you more intrigued

I'm not sure how this journey will turn out.

Hex: Let me explain, there are certain highlights that have been planned out but to progress the story to that highlight is a mystery. It is like a train traveling down a railroad, there are certain stations placed on this rail road but there are no rails to allow the train to traverse over to those stations. You see what I mean? This is why writing this story is so fun and reading it is even better because neither I or you can expect to know what will happen next. That's what makes my story full of surprises, based on the opinion of those who have read it.

Hex: I may have improvised most of my story during the writing of it but I will guarantee you this:

There will be a Conflict and there will be an End. The end will not come by in this first volume but it will come at the final volume,


My God...

I find it to be a beautiful ending, one that I hope you see in your lifetime.

Thank you for reading and being a part of Nathan's journey as a CoDa.

I hope you continue to support me and follow Nathan to the very end of his journey!

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