5 Years Later

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A/N: It's been five horrid years of the twins life, they moved to three different school and now live in their dead grandmother's house. Minako & Shizuko are now 13 years old and Shizuko still hates their parents.
Five years later let's see, I still hate my parents, as always I have no friends or just less than Minako has, we are just going through our teen years, we are living in our dead grandmother's house.

It's not bad here, except for my horrid parents and the kids in my school just are scared of me, they hate me. But on the other hand my sister has many friends, not like I care anyways I always preferred to be alone after my grandmother died. Although Minako got me a cute little kitten a while ago for our 13th birthday, I guess I was born to like cats or something.

When I got home from school everyday I stopped at an abandoned, small house in the woods. It's where Minako told me to hide it, our parents dislike animals. In sort of a way me and Minako are just some slobbery ugly dogs, taking their money away on food, clothing, and medicine.

Minako: "Bye guys see you tomorrow at school! Oh Shizuko!"

Shizuko: "Oh, hey Minako."

Minako: "So, I kinda have a confession to make.."

As I close my eyes and breathe out, slowly waiting for this confession, my eyes almost filled with tears thinking of what could be said and what would be said. It's not that I don't trust Minako or anything..it's just that she only confesses bad things, those bad thing scare me.

Minako: "I told mom about Kai, (Shizuko's kitten) she just pushed me to talk, i'm sorry.

After I heard her say "mom," I freaked I-I-I just lost my mind. To think of what would happen to the kitten and me. I was so scared, so disappointed I didn't know what to do, if I should run, cry, or just hide. I freaked out at Minako, why...why would I do that, she was and is the only one who was ever there for me. After I was done screaming at Minako I ran as fast as my legs would go. I ran and just didn't stop till I found the house that the kitten was in.

Finally, I was there but the kitten wasn't. I dropped to my knees with my arms crossed, as I was hugging my self, and my eyes were filling up with tears. All I could think of was to cry, I was weak, I couldn't protect the kitten. It was just a replay of my life happening right in front of me. The memories of me and Minako getting beat, and all I could ever do was cry.

A couple of minutes later Minako ran into the house and told me dad was furious and wanted us home immediately. I was to scared to move, so Minako had to carry me home on her back. The way back home was very long and seemed like it took forever. Once we got home our father yelled, and beat us, we are teens and we still have to suffer and get beat.

He yelled once more but this time he told us to get into his car, but he didn't make us ride in the trunk. I was scared of where we where going, but I barley even spoke or moved after what happened earlier. *BANG*

Our dad slammed on his brakes and yelled at us to get out. Mom was there to already, but I don't exactly know where, we were in the middle of no where. I seen our mom was holding a basket with a blanket over it. Our dad went over to his car and pulled out ropes, he told me and Minako to stand up and sit in front of the road signs that were firmly in the ground. As our dad tied us both to the poles Minako was screaming for forgiveness, but it was too late, we both disobeyed our parents and now we get punished.

Our mother put the basket in the middle of the road and got into her car and started she engine. Then father took the blanket off the basket revealing Kia, both her two front legs were broken and she couldn't stand up. I started to stop dozing off and started to scream for help, of course that just made things worst. Dad got into his car and just drove away without looking back. Mother then smiled and yelled "Better start listening to us girls or else this is gonna be you next!"

Then *SPLAT!*
she just ran over Kai, how, how could she just run over a helpless kitten? Me and Minako were crying and screaming and just were losing it. Blood, so  much blood, why just why does all of these things happen to us, we never wanted or deserved this kind of life.

"You kids alright?"

Me and Minako looked up to see a police woman smiling holding a hand out to us. Minako just looked over at Kai's remains, and then she just passed out in the blink of an eye. The woman dropped down to catch Minako and then she called in an ambulance.

When the ambulance got here the ropes were finally uncut and Minako was put into an ambulance. I asked if Minako would be okay and what would happen to us. I didn't get an answer, I was just told to ride in the back with Minako as they gathered into their cars.

As we drove away I starred out the back windows as the car's sirens seemed to go louder. In the background of two police cars, that were following the ambulance, I could see the red stained spot on the road where Kai once was.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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