Chapter 4

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  The trip through the Village had been breathtaking beautiful, the sun was setting giving the place a warm glow, trees grew around the red, orange and white buildings. The breeze rustled the leaves and the sound of a busy, peaceful town made it a truly amazing scene. Especially since they'd taken the ninja route via the rooftops, now that had been fun.

Unfortunately, the trip ended far to soon for Akio's tastes. Akio gulped as the entered the large imposing building. Hoping beyond hope that the old man wasn't to upset with his little escape.

The rational side of Akio's brain argued, that he was technically a baby so the Hokage couldn't get to angry with him. The other side of his brain was to focused on the enormous and powerful Chakra. It was humming with annoyance, worry, or maybe frustration. Actually it was most likely a mixture of all three.

Anyone would understand that Akio was a bit nervous. Which showed in the fact that he was currently chewing his bottom lip with what little amount of teeth he had.

So when they entered the room to find the Hokage sitting behind his desk smoking calmly (the complete opposite of what his chakra was feeling) it surprised Akio, the man was an amazing actor.

"Akio-chan let's not do that again," the Hokage cooed, yes cooed at Akio. "You almost gave this old man a heart attack.''

Having absolutely no idea what the Hokage was saying but guessing it was probably a reprimand for his actions. Akio pulled out the trick all kids use to get out of trouble. The I'm a little angel and I would never do such a thing expression, or in other words large innocent eyes with a sweet smile thrown on top.

Kakashi snorted in amusement not buying the act at all, though the look was cute (and he hoped that it would never be used on him).

"Hokage-sama I'd like to talk to you about Akio." Kakashi said walking up to the Hokage and Finally succeeding in getting Akio to release him.

"Very well." Noticing the serious tone of Voice Kakashi was using, Hiruzen turned to his ANBU "Cat, can you take the twins back to the orphanage its almost time for dinner."

The ANBU took Akio from Kakashi, Akio's eyes felt themselves drawn to the blond giggling baby in the other arm.

Naruto Uzumaki Fear bordering on panic hit Akio and he fought to keep it from bubbling up to the surface. The very thought of having a family again, terrified him. The thought that Nasib had another person to rip away from him, sickened Akio. Having a family again only meant, having another thing for him to ruin.

Akio could feel the Panic attack that was building up so he tore is eyes away from his bro-NARUTO's blue (Oh kami why did they have to be that shade of blue) eyes. Slamming his emotional problems down to deal with when he wasn't in a room full of high class Shinobi. Akio focused on something less painful, Kakashi.

"Kashi" Akio smiled waving bye. He counted it as a victory when the mans eyes softened even if he didn't get a wave back.

The trip this time was less eventful, just a simple shunshin and they stood in front of what was probably an orphanage. An Orphanage that had seen better days. The building was painted in a red that had faded to a pink in some areas and was chipped in several others. The walls looked like a simple breeze could make them collapse.

The small yard was more weeds then grass and it was covered with toys ranging from balls to plastic kunai, swords, and shuriken.

Actually, their was a lot more fake weapons then toys. Most likely a lot of the recruits came form orphanages, the excessive amount of weapon/toys would get the children used to how they feel. Preparing them for when they would enroll into the academy.

'Yu would've found it sad' Akio thought smiling. 'And then gone around stealing all the toys and replacing them with real toys'

When they entered through the creaking doors a tired older women with bloodshot brown eyes greeted them.

"ANBU-san" She greeted with a sharp nod

The ANBU nodded in greeting handing both of them over.

Akio winced at the disgust that the women's chakra thickened with. Even her body language was showing anger and disgust at having to hold them.

The intense stare she gave Akio, the tightness in her voice and nearly painful grip she had on them confused Akio. She wasn't even trying to hide her hate for them and they were still in front of the ANBU.

'Oh right we're jinchuriki...' Akio thought with a shock 'Kurama'

The centuries old fox, Kurama definitely knew a lot about how this worlds system and Chakra worked. If Akio was going to be living in this world he needed to learn to speak the language and he needed information. Which he might be able to coax out of the grumpy fox. That and Akio just really wanted to talk/rant to someone without worrying about gaining unwanted attention.

He was going to figure out how to speak to the fox if it was the last thing he did.....which was a real possibility. Considering how the Kyuubi was currently filled with hate for him and humans in general.

Akio winced as he was snapped out of his thinking when the lady's grip grew tighter.

'Actually more then worrying about the Kyuubi trying to eat me when I visit him. I'm worried about this lady, is it really safe for us to be here?' Akio glanced back at the ANBU pleadingly but either the ANBU didn't see or he/she didn't care because in the next second they were gone.

And the women practically threw them both in their shared crib considering how fast they were out of her hands. Akio winced as he checked on Naruto who looked on the verge of tears.

He battled and argued with himself for agonizing minutes his fear, anger, and guilt were all his fault. But his actions would only hurt Naru-his brother, His brother. In his effort to protect himself he would never gain anything he'd only push away and hurt others. He'd only ruin things further. Coming to this realization was a struggle but actually acting on it...

Akio snapped out of his internal battle when he registered that Naruto was crying silently. Crying silently. Silently...crying. Babies do not cry silently, crying was a mechanism to call for help, to get attention. The fact that a baby was crying silently meant Naruto didn't want to draw attention. Something like that could only be a learned response.

Reacting more on instinct and anger he had pulled the blue teary eyed baby into a crushing hug. It would seem actually acting on his decision was easier then he thought.

Their was still that small voice that told him. Akio didn't deserve a family, that Naruto would only suffer if Akio was his brother. That he was replacing his family. but as Naruto's tears turned to quite hiccups and he fell asleep using Akio as a body pillow, the voice was drowned out as a warm feeling filled Akio.

'I'm not replacing them, Naruto's my little brother and I've never had a little brother before, just an older brother and a little sister.'

Hugging his precious family against him. Akio promised himself to get even stronger this time to protect what he thought he would never have again, from Nasib, Madara, Tobi, Akatsuki even Konoha if need be. He nuzzled the soft hair of his brother a burning will to protect reflected in his eyes.

He closed his eyes focusing on entering his mindscape. The first step to fulfilling his promise, would involve him meeting his royal fluffy-ness.

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