Chapter One

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I've just finished editing a video. When I uploaded it, I waited a few seconds to see how many viewers had already got a notification and started watching. The views counted 208 so far. I smiled to myself and tweeted the link to the video before shutting my laptop and plugging it into the charger. It was the middle of the night, but I figured Dan was still awake. In fact, I thought I could hear his own voice coming from his room, so he must've been watching one of his videos, possibly editing like I was, or filming.

Sneaking over to his door, I pressed my ear to it and noticed that it was more of a murmur than talking. Knocking on the door once or twice before turning the knob, I let the door swing open to see Dan pacing from one side of the room to the other, mumbling to himself with his head down. He had my Muppet pajama pants on and a black t-shirt that was a few days unwashed. He glanced up and blushed when he saw me. "Oh, I thought you were asleep," he muttered, a bit louder than he had been to himself.

I couldn't help but laugh a bit. "I was editing," I explained, "and I wasn't sure if you were asleep, so I had my headphones in."

"Phil, it's one in the morning. Do you honestly think I'd be asleep yet?"

He seemed a bit on edge, but I laughed a bit more anyway without thinking. Dan would usually laugh with me, but he just glared at me a bit right now. "You alright?" I asked after a moment of watching him glance around the room with an irritated expression on his face.

Dan sighed and shuffled toward me with his head down slightly, his gaze on the ground. When he reached me, his arms wrapped around me unexpectedly. My heart started beating a bit faster than usual from surprise and I instinctively raised my arms to hold him when Dan started sobbing. He sobbed onto my shoulder for at least five minutes straight, then finally lifted his chin, placing it on my shoulder and sniffling.

I felt so useless. What could I do to make him feel better? All I did was run his back and comb his hair with my fingers. After awhile of this, I asked quietly, "Dan, what's wrong?"

"I don't even know!" Dan wailed. "I just feel like everything is falling apart. No one really knows their place in the universe, so why are we here?"

To find it, I thought, like I found you. But I didn't say anything.

"Also," Dan added, pulling away from me and placing his hand on his forearm and pursing his lips, "we're out of Maltesers."

After staring at him for a few seconds and realizing that he was serious, I snickered. "Alright, Dan," I started, turning to walk out of the room, "let's go to a shop."

"To get Maltesers?"

"Yes, to get Maltesers."

Dan was a bit more happy, and I was hit with then haunting memory of seeing his puppy eyes filled with tears.

promise this will get more interesting. love ya

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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