Karen the beaten down

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"Grab your stuff we've got to go" "now would I do that two weeks into our" "someone's hurt Karen, she went to the hospital and she's coming back home tonight..........she's beat real bad so we've got to go, NOW!" So Evelyn hurries, we get back to the hotel and pack up. Once finished we catch a first flight back to Seattle.

Taking more than a little while we get there and it's nearly a few days later, we get a ride from the airport to Karen's house from Stevie. Once getting inside I see Karen lying on the couch with gauze wrapped around her wrist and half way up her arm. Running to her there's a cut running diagonally down her right eye brow and her cheek was black and blue.

Karen's knuckles are swelled and I grow angry. "Who did this to you! Who's done it" I hear the engine of a car starting, standing up I look.

Stevie and Evelyn remain standing "if you guys didn't go anywhere then who's the......" I take off and trail after the mysterious black truck driving away so rapidly. It stops by the vapor bar and as I see a man talk to other men I growl. He walks over to the small ally way beside the bar and I follow him. Getting over to him I say "oh my god, have you guys by any chance seen a medium haired brunet?"

The men shrugged but the fourth guy turns around and laughs "why yes I did" "do you know where she went?" I ask innocently and the man walks toward me, his face covered in shadows of black the stranger says.

"Now why would a pretty thing like you be out at this time a night" "can you please just tell me where she went" the man starting to gloat gets cocky. "Yes I raped the hell out of that girl.......just like......I'll do to you." "Okay I'm gonna cut the bull shit now......if you think that's nice. Raping vulnerable girls off the street or in front of their damn house."

Shaking my head I cross my arms "you ass holes should be ashamed" "oh hoh. Not like your gonna be you stupid bitch" he comes toward me with a switchblade and as he swings and misses several times I catch him on the last swing. Twisting his arm I use my other to punch it and while on his knees I kicked him on his shin which cracked a bone.

He scrams and whales of pain then drops his switchblade and when looking up the others are far gone. I get back into the corvette and drive back to Karen's house but once getting there and burst through the door Karen's eyes are closed. Running toward her I bend down sliding on her living room floor toward her.

Every moment I'd ever had went racing through my mind, every laugh, every cry, every kiss, every smile. "Karen..........Karen.........KARENNNNN" i yell but no response. CPR didn't work.

I place my forehead against hers and whisper with my eyes watering "I love you" taking her hand I couldn't help but let a river of tears flow down my cheek. While on my knees I yell "AGHHHH GAHHHH AHHHHHH!!!" Standing up I leave. Evelyn goes after me and yells "Ivy!" And I slow down.

"You don't just like her you love her and i know that but I can......." "What. I've lost way to many people in my life INCLUDING my father and what if it happens to YOU to." She runs up to me "you aren't going to hurt me" I start softly hitting Evelyn and she takes me I'm her arms then hugs me. Kissing my head she says "shhh" and I have a breakdown.

We slowly fall to the ground on the middle of the rode and I can't stop crying. After Karen's funeral I stopped talking, didn't eat and couldn't sleep for nights on end. Evelyn was there to pick up the pieces but she couldn't fix how I felt about the whole thing.

There'd always be a whole there and with out Karen it sank deeper. I felt like a broken mirror, Evelyn would get a kiss here and there but nothing more. Things slowly started to change but I knew I'd never be the same after Karen's death.

If I could go back I'd rather have both of them than one.


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