The vacation

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I wake up in a bed. Rubbing my eyes with last night plays on rewind in my head, getting out of bed I look around and find that it's no dream. Walking out of the room I get down stairs taking in the aroma of extra cheesy scrambled eggs, sizzling turkey bacon and fluffy buttery pancakes. Walking close enough I see Evelyn in the kitchen, standing she places the food on a glass plate then turning around she almost jumps, returning to walking over to the dining table she places the food down and puts the silverware beside it. "Here" she says, I go and sit down then picking up the silver wear I start eating.

"Hmm" I say "it's my best.....see my parents (my mother rather) taught me the best she knew." Nodding I say "well your mom certainly knows a good meal" "ok so you've been to my place, it's time I saw what your 'house' looks like." "Why the quote unquote?" "What house is built the middle of a forestial area? It opens up my curiosity"

Putting the silver wear down I stop eating, swallowing what else I had left in my mouth I shake my head "no.......there's really nothing else to see." I try to hide my avoidance but it shows "really it's not a problem." "I don't think you'd want to see" "try me" Evelyn insists, after breakfast I help wash off dishes and we walk to my cottage. Making it there we get inside and I close the door behind Evelyn. She looks around but every where she looked she sees what I've always seen. Pain, there are scratch marks covering the walls as well as a broken TV.

"A lots happened here I bet" you've no idea I think to myself. She goes upstairs and I tail her, then she comes to my room. Fearing she might just leave them and there Evelyn still walks inside. After seeing the engraved nail marks on the wood she says "I've seen worse." With a smirk. "So what exactly happened here?" Evelyn asks and I sigh "it's a long story" "one I have time for." Looking down i stand in the doorway, thinkin of where to start I begun while Evelyn takes a seat with her back against the wall. "I was high school and you know how teenagers think, we think we're invincible. But I'd been hiding a secret from my parents for so long.......back then I had a girlfriend."

I go on " same age as me, same interests, we were the same height. I was completely unaware that the more she came over the more suspicion I raised in my parents and the 'she's just my friend' line started to fade. I couldn't have been more than a Jr. At the time when she'd come over one cold Christmas." "Was she invited?" Evelyn asked "See that's just the thing, she was never invited to anything unless it was me asking her. So when I brought her over my father wasn't to happy, he'd scowled at me from the moment she walked in. After I walked her into the living room my father asked 'might I have a word with you Ivy.....alone' now my father wasn't one for talking."

I sigh but in that kitchen I felt that I wasn't going to leave a winner, angrily speed pacing he says 'your in love with this girl I see the look on your face when she comes over. Don't think I don't hear you two kissing in the bedroom or giggling uncontrollably.' 'So!' 'So, your mother has no clue of this whole thing, so if it doesn't end now.' 'You'll what?! Mom has no clue of what's going on, had you wanted her to know you would have already told her.' 'I do now' ya see my mother always interrupted but after doing so you'd know that she'd always turn to me.

I keep going and try not to tear up while doing so " 'Harrison leave that POOR girl alone! Our daughter is lesbian.' Mind mother knew everything about me and I wasn't afraid to ever tell her how I was feeling. Not only did she know but she'd been keeping her sexuality a secret as well.

She's Bi 'you KNEW ABOUT THIS?!!' As my mother nodded her head she was angered." I come and sit down beside Evelyn, my back against the wall I continue "She had many chances to tell him but feared of his response.

'She needs to stop seeing that girl or' my father pulled out a kitchen knife from a drawer and slammed it on the counter. 'Or this goes through someone and it won't be me!' I couldn't believe it, that he'd stoop so low to threaten us. 'Dad put the knife away' but no 'you and your mother have kept far to many a secret together!'

I didn't know that got him so riled up but eventually he grew tired of talking so he just grabbed the knife and went towards my mother. Stepping in front of her he keeps on when finally I quickly place my hand on his twist his wrist and as the knife goes flying my fathers down on his Knees.

Kicking him in his right leg he yelled of pain and I walk out. My girlfriend was far gone and had a feeling she was a long time ago. Walking back He's able to get the knife back and he stands then sits on his knees, while I'm close enough my father lunges toward me but i realise what he's doing. Turn around and catch his arm, I push the knife into his chest where his heart beats and pushing it further I could feel it stop. Standing back up to my feet I wash off the blood. I say 'I have to!' But my mom didn't care. 'You can't just leave' 'but I must, I can't let you take the heat for this.......just say he slipped. Be convincing when you set up the scene.'

I say shaking my head then giving her a kiss on the cheek goodbye I was off. Which brings us back to fun reality, every finger nail wedged in the walls every, claw mark or broken TV is because it's a memory of my worst moment."

"Come with me........I'm going to my lake house this weekend and would love it if you'd. Come" Evelyn reaches into her pocket "here" she says and throws me a key, catching it she says "now you can come over anytime you'd like."

"Yea I'll come and thank you." I say to Evelyn as she looks at the broken TV in front of us "you've suffered through a lot of pain, more than others but what you did was for good reason. Don't ever blame yourself."

She says looking at me, Evelyn moves closer then resting her head on my shoulder says "you'll be fine, they don't even know where you are now." After she took my hand I smirked "as long as I'm with you." I say happily, my voice in a soft tone my eyes fill with tears from the memory I've just shared.

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