Request Rules (updated)

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If you want a cover from me, these are the rules! FOLLOW THEM! <3

• Comment on this chapter or PM me!

• you MUST give me credit in the description if you use my cover! Plz...

• You don't have to use my cover if you don't think it's good enough.

• Please don't spam me! If I don't reply straight away its most likely because I'm asleep or somewhere important. Also some covers take ten minutes to finish and some take a few days, depending on what mood I'm in XD.

• In the comment/message please fill out this whole form;

Story Title:
Brief summary of the story:
Mood (e.g. Happy, Scary, Sad, Fun etc.):
Font (optional):
Preferred images:
Additional info:

• If you use my cover, leave an honest comment on one of my books please!!!

• Vote on at least one of my stories if you use my cover. (you don't have to, but I would like that).

Covers by me... (Open!)Where stories live. Discover now