Chapter 23

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It was a good thing that I didn't need to sleep anymore.

The wolves showed up at the manor late last night. Jasper showed everyone the best technique to killing vampires, and Edward took care in reminding the pack that they were on our side for this fight and shouldn't get any ideas of killing any of us by accident.

"My word is true Cullen. No one from the pack will harm you, your family, or your friends. In fact, to ensure this, I'll have my wolves catch the scent of all of you so that we won't confuse you with your Volturi." Edward was interpreting Sam since none of the wolves seemed to trust us enough to come in their human form.

Carlisle nodded in approval, and the vampires who didn't mind the wolves stood in line to be sniffed.

"I'm not going anywhere near those dogs," Alistair gasped. He was appalled that Carlisle was allowing such an alliance to take place at all.

"Then they won't be able to assure your protection. And quite frankly I wouldn't blame them." I was surprised at Carlisle's second remark. But at the same time I wasn't. Alistair had been very vocal in his distaste for Carlisle's choice in protection.

"He's thinking of running to the Volturi. He thinks they will win and wants to align himself with the victors." Edward picked from his mind.

'Alistair, you are here because you choose to fight against the wrongs that Aro and the Volturi do against our kind. And out of courtesy of your friendship to Carlisle no one has said anything to you till now. But I will tell you this, I will kill you myself if I thought that you were jeopardizing my family in anyway. And that includes the wolves. If you choose to stay, you will respect the wolves and do as they say.'

That was the first time that I had made known to any of our guests what my gift was. Alistair was completely shocked and scared at the same time. He got in line with the rest of us, and those who had initially refused also got in line. They may not have heard our exchange, but they could tell it was something significant to make Alistair do a complete 180.

After the wolves were done, everyone who was coupled up, went off to find a spot of their own to spend some time with their mates. Edward and I allowed Esme and Carlisle to have our meadow. I wanted to stay behind and give my thanks to Sam and Jacob before going up to Edward's room.

It was there that I was now polishing and sharpening my sword. I didn't need it but it always came in handy when I used it.

"Bella? It's time." Alice's head poked through the door and was back out before I could look up at her. I gathered my things and found Edward and our guests, along with our family standing in the foyer of the manor.

"This is it." I said as I followed everyone to the field.

We were all completely silent, even when we arrived at our destination. I looked around our ragtag gathering and saw all of the different vampires that were fighting oppression from the Volturi. It made me sad that I worked for them. There were the Denali's of course, and the Irish coven, a coven from Egypt and a few nomads. The two oldest, the ones that were of the same translucent skin as my father and uncles, were Vladimir and Stefen. I had spent some nights with them, talking about Aro's history. And they told me of the actual accounts of the night Aro overthrew them. I was reminded that I sort of looked like Ava and that Aro would naturally think of me as his daughter.

The wolves met us in the field. And I felt gravely responsible for them. 'No matter what happens today, you'll be protected by my shield. I promise. Just remember that.' I could tell by Sam's eyes that he was confused by my choice of words, but he nodded anyway.

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