"Hi, I'm Brianna. You must be Angela? Bella's told me a lot about you. You were really dear to her." Angela's face beamed up with a smile on her face. Ben seemed happy that Angela was smiling for what may be the first time since the news of my disappearance.

"Really? I keep hoping that this is a bad dream, and that I'll wake up soon. I miss her so much. I just pray that she can escape from whoever took her, and that she's okay. You know?" Angela was always going to be special to me for that very reason. She was a true friend that I'd always hold close to my heart.

From my peripheral, I could see Alice looking at me, half expectantly and half curious. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name," I said innocently.

"I'm Alice. Alice Cullen."

"Oh, right, Alice. Bella talked about you too. Did you really dress her up like a doll?"

Alice lit up and started laughing in her pixie-like way. "She would complain about that. I didn't know she still kept in contact with anyone in Phoenix though. How long have you known her?"

"All my life practically, we met in ballet school. She was so clumsy, but was the only one that would dance beside her." Alice seemed to buy that and simply said 'oh'.

The four of us started talking about our favorite moments with Bella, with Demetri only jumped in the conversation a few times. Demetri stood behind me, sometimes using the top of my head as a chin rest. While both me and Demetri were conscious of shifting our weight every so often, I became slightly alarmed when Demetri's grip around my waist became tighter and he pulled me closer to his body.

'What are you doing?' I asked him. Demetri inclined his head slightly to the left of us, as if he had a kink in his neck. I followed the direction of his head and saw Edward walking down the steps. I was relieved that he hadn't noticed us yet. I raised myself on my toes and gave Demetri a kiss that landed on his chin.

"Aww, you two are so cute together." Angela noted. "How long have you been going out?" I opened my eyes, not even realizing that I had closed them; only to find Edward now staring in our direction. Crap!

"Since freshman year." Demetri said. I quickly turned my head and smiled at Angela when Edward started making his way over to the other direction.

"Yeah, this one has been talking marriage after we graduate." I said with disgust. But honestly, would a life with Demetri be so bad? Already he was proving to be loyal, though he seemed awfully clingy.

"That's really sweet. But you're against it?" Alice asked.

"I'd rather wait till after college." I answered as Demetri kissed the top of my head. "Umm, if you'll excuse me I need to use the bathroom. This house is so huge. Where is it?" I said looking around as if I didn't know exactly where it was. Alice pointed me in the direction that I knew where she would, and I stayed in the bathroom for what I thought was an acceptable time to be in the bathroom.

As soon as I walked out of the bathroom, Edward bombarded me. "I'm sorry about earlier. I was, am in love with Bella and I was a little distraught. I apologize. You just remind me so much of her."

"It's okay. Umm grief tends to drive people crazy I guess. People used to ask us if we were twins, even though we had different color hair and eyes. But I think that even if we looked exactly alike, people would still be able to tell the difference between us. I was the sporty one and she liked to read. Some even said we sounded alike." I said trying to seem convincing. I looked down as if I was thinking about the good times that Brianna and Bella "shared."

"Can I offer you anything?" He said while practically shoving a cup of punch in my face.

"Yes, actually, this is fine." I remember Edward saying something about human food tasting like dirt, and eventually it needed to be regurgitated. I knew exactly what Edward was doing, his little act was just that an act. He wasn't sorry about before, he was just even more suspicious. Unfortunately for him, there were two things that worked to my advantage. One, I did actually eat dirt before, so I knew what to expect. And two, I lived with Renee for most of my life, and until I was able to cook for myself, I had to suffer through years of Renee's cooking without making a face.

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