11: Daydreaming, man?

Start bij het begin

"What? No, Ni. Why would you say that?"

"Maybe because I called your name about a hundred times and you didn't respond. Which girl has got you daydreaming, man?" Niall winks.

"Haha. No nothing. I was just thinking.."

"Well, Haz. That's never good!" Niall says jokingly.

I growl playfully. He just laughs and pats my back.

Typical Niall.

"Oh, there's Li! C'mon, you've to meet him! He's a great lad!" Niall squeaks.

Suddenly he tugs at my hand and starts walking towards the place where Lou was.

I try to stop him, but as usual he drags me rambling about his new friend, Li or something. 

I'm pretty used to this habit of his.

Ni always keeps on making new friends. And he always drags me and Zayn to introduce them to us.

He doesn't understand that I can't be instantly friends with other people. 

Hearing a very familiar silky soft voice, I look up from observing the ground. Oh. .

So this is Li.

Li is Liam.

Ok , I got it.

I smirk at Louis who looks as uncomfortable as one can look like. Niall is oblivious as fuck. The Typical Niall for you.

However, when I notice Liam's arm around Louis my smile drops and I scowl.

Not that Louis can see.

Louis is still looking down.

Good. The kid must be afraid of me.

Terrified even, I think. That's good. He should be afraid of me.

He should never ever call me 'Curly'.

It brings bad memories. One's which should never be reminisced again.

Liam is still not removing his damn arm, goddammit!

Not that I notice. Nope. I'm just observant. That's it. 

I catch on the conversation going on between Liam and Niall.

What's more interesting is that, Louis is not even saying a word.

A single word. That sweet voice is not being put to use. Well, that's tolerable.

I nod and hum along with Liam but still find myself more often than not staring at Louis.

Thank god we didn't hit his face. . 

His face should remain flawless.

Only because then there will be no doubt of a beating, of course.

Unless the kid himself reveals the same. But I highly doubt that.

After the threat though, I don't need to worry about him telling anyone about the beating.

Zayn showed up sometime later. The three instantly click.

After agreeing to meeting up tomorrow at some cafe, we head off to home.

Quite a while back when I was much younger, I'd met Niall. Then Zayn.

It was as if we were meant to be buddies or something, cause we have been best friends since then.

But, somehow I feel incomplete.

Like something is empty in my chest. Ever since—

"Haz! Look I know you might want to escape this little meeting up session, but please could you try for once. . For me? Please Haz. Pleaaaaase?"

Niall looks like an adorable puppy when he pouts. I can never say no to him.

He has always respected to my every decision of not making new friends. Well, real friends.

So, I'm shocked that he even bothered to ask me. Much less plead about meeting up with the boys. 

He must be great friends with 'Li'. Ugh.

He is now looking at me like an adorable puppy who's been kicked.

"OK Ni. Geez! You owe me one."

"Yay! Haz, thanks buddie!"

After untangling from the bear hug Ni just gave me, we part ways.

I walk slowly towards my house. 

We'll see what happens tomorrow.

Today, Louis just managed to keep quiet.

But how is he going to avoid me or the boys for a whole evening?

How is he going to even sit without looking at anything and just ignoring everyone?

Zayn might notice that.

I'll just have to make sure Glasses knows that he would have to at least pretend normal around my friends. 

Falling back into the past I see my worst nightmares coming again.

Catching me and entrapping me in their dark dreadful clutches.

This is why I never let myself care for anyone other than Zee and Ni.


*Next Day*

I have been waiting for Louis to come.

When I see Liam getting out and helping Louis out like a proper gentleman. Oh.

So, Louis is the lady of the relationship.

I smirk and recite my observation to Rob. 

Rob grins and rubs his hand.

Liam auditioned for football team, so they can't have him back out, as we definitely need a player.

And Liam will surely back out if we hit Louis anywhere where Liam can see or notice.

I wait for Liam to run to his early class.

Don't even ask me, how I know about his early class.

Niall talked my ear off about 'Li'. 

I approach Louis slowly.

He is bent over, probably tying a shoelace or something.

Oh god, he does have a glorious bum. Looks so round and—well, I can totally appreciate a good arse!

There's nothing wrong with that!

"Boo!" I yell in his ear and frightened he panics and falls down face first, again for the millionth time.

I go down to his level and whisper. .


Soo, cliffhanger anyone?! 

Anyways here's the chappie I promised. 

Comment your lovely thoughts,vote etc. etc. and try to hold in your scream ;)

LarryHaveBabies xx

How To Break A Heartbreaker's Heart?• L.S. • *Completed*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu