"Does Jun have a fetish for suits ? Or does she just see herself wearing nothing less ? " Eiko asked. Maya put a hand onto her chin and thought about it." I don't rightfully know to be honest, she probably does, she wore suits when I first met her, I've seen her wear a sun dress before."

Suddenly Jun came back to the cart with a black vest and a stylish looking striped tie saying," Ah Eiko this vest will make you look sooo cute and will go great with this tie. It's better than that ratty white t-shirt blue short shorts your wearing." Eiko didn't really defend her wardrobe from her boss seeing that she was only wearing that under the pile of suits covering her thin body.

" Hey uhh Jun, how come you never gone into the fashion business instead of the weapon's business ?" Eiko asked. For one of the few times Jun's face went to a blank like stare as if she really needed to dig deep into her own thoughts to answer the question, but she managed to answer after taking a long stretch of time to form the words.

The purple eyed woman looked down to Eiko, she looked her in the eye before saying in a cold tone." Well Eiko there are...There are things you just can't do in the world, no matter how hard you try, or how much work you try to do, some people will just force you into doing things you don't want to do no matter how hard you beg." Jun almost sounded like she was pained as she spoke to Eiko.

Maya could see that Jun looked upset and tried to divert the conversation to something else." Eh, um, Jun why don't you talk to the clerks and see how your magnum opus suit is doing ?" Jun instantly changed from old attitude and tossed the vest and tie into the cart, she regrew her smile as if the question about her job was never asked." Ohh yeah, I gotta check on it by-" before Jun could run off to find one of the store's clerks her cellphone rang with a catchy song.

Jun gasped when she heard the song and quickly got her cell phone from her suit jacket, when the purple eyed woman laid eyes on her cellphone screen she quickly swiped her finger across the screen and put the phone up to her head fast enough to almost hit herself with the phone." Hi Mommy !" She yelled sounding happy.

Maya and Eiko watched as Jun turned around and was quietest for probably the longest time Eiko heard her, Jun turned around to the two and her face was twisted in a grimace," Wait a shipment from..From where ?" Jun had a long pause before she spoke again." A lot of clothes and alloys. What are alloys ?"

Eiko and Maya could hear an older woman sigh over the phone, Jun's face twisted into another angered look." I need those to make swords with ! Where are they ? I'll make sure that their lives are short when me and my soldiers of hell get there." Jun hung up the phone and pointed at the two," Maya ! it's time !" she yelled.

Maya cocked an eyebrow wondering what she was getting at." Uhh What ? What is it time for ? " Jun did a pose where she held her arms out like she was waiting for a hug then made a peace sign with two of her fingers and put it in front of her face." It's time for us to reclaim our stolen property, that was my beloved mother and she told us that we got some trouble we need to take care of it since the J.S.D.F ( Japanese self defense force.) can't handle some train bandits that are stealing our stuff and my mother's things."

The German giant thought about it, Eiko just looked to Jun." As long as we're being paid for everything, I don't really mind what we gotta do." Eiko told Jun. Maya shrugged, " Well it's my job to make sure your safe, soo I guess I'm coming with you." Maya told her Purple eyed boss.

Back at the train, Hancock slaughtered a majority of the guards with his knives during the bandit's gun battle with the train's security, when enough of the train's security guards hit the ground dead, the rest threw down their guns and held their hands high in the air.

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