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a large bullet train moved from the southern regions of Japan headed for Tokyo at high speed, a small group of men in the countryside waited by the train tracks with a couple trucks, miles down the tracks from the small group of men there was a strange object on the train tracks.

Most of the guys by the trucks were armed with assault rifles and some with rocket launchers, one of the men in the group laid on top of the trucks with his hands behind his head as if he was relaxing. The man looked very rugged with a wild beard and long hair that traveled down the back of his neck.

The man had one bright blue eye and one eye that looked foggy blue with an all white pupil, the man wore a pale olive green combat jacket with a pair of beat up jeans and even worse looking shoes that managed to still be good for walking. As the guy stared up at the sky above and into the clouds.

An androgynous person wearing a track jacket with shorts and bullet proof vest stood next to the truck and saluted the grizzled looking man and held a bullet proof vest on one arm." Captain Hu-" The androgynous person corrected them self." I mean Hancock...Please you should wear a vest, these men are Excalibur security, they will be very dangerous and well armed."

The man groaned before leaning up." No, body armor is for pussies Kat, if someone catches me with a lucky bullet then you don't have to worry about me anymore" He told the androgynous teen. After hearing Hancock tell them not to worry about them tears welled up in Kat's eyes and they held their stance of saluting." No Sir ! I won't stop worrying about you !" They told him.

The wild looking man hopped off the hood of the truck and onto his feet, he shoved his hands into his pockets." Kat I'm already hell bound and I rather not take anymore souls to hell with me when I die, you know how many men that I had fight for me and die for me, and your the last person that actually looks up to my name unlike others. I admire that you still idolize me, but I'm nothing but a killer who kills for the dollar and your just following me because of my old glory."

Kat stood in attention and stayed saluting to Hancock." Sir ! I will follow you to hell and back if need to, I remembered when you made the speech that all your men were bound for hell, and you told us that when we all go, you'd lead us to make hell into our haven." Kat told him.

Hancock put a hand onto Kat's head and patted their head, Hancock gave Kat a warm smile, but the smile had to be short lived as Hancock heard the train coming and put a hand into his olive colored jacket; taking out a small curved blade with a large hole at the end of the handle.

Hancock put his finger through the hole and spun the blade around his finger before the train derailed and began crashing; the other men with various guns began moving towards the train's cars and towards the driver's car of the train, even though Hancock was far behind the other men, he managed to not only catch up to the other men, but also get ahead of his allies while soldiers began climbing out the train cars and firing at the armed men with pistols.

In the Tokyo shopping district Jun was celebrating her victory the other day, it was a single week since Jun ordered Maya and Eiko to slaughter the competition that was arising in Japan; Jun was dragging the giantess and Eiko around a large classy suit store. Maya pushed a shopping cart with several different colored suits in the cart and on top of Eiko's lap as Eiko sat in the front of the shopping cart.

Eiko did her best to be relaxed in the metal shopping cart while her robotic leg hung out the side of the cart, in front of the two was their boss Jun, she cheerfully looked through suits that were hung up on different racks." Hey Maya." Eiko called to the green haired German." Hmm." she responded.

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