He paused for a second and didn't say anything.

"Don't answer that." I said knowing if he hurt my feelings I wouldn't have the pride to tell him I was pregnant.

"What's up with you?" He asked.

"I-I'm pregnant Devin." I said lowly.

I could see the shock on his face and I decided to pull out the papers from the test I took at the doctors office.

"Wow." He said. "Who's is it?" He asked years building up in his eyes.

"What?" I asked him.

"I won't be mad Lauren." He said to me.

"It's yours." I said. "Why would you even ask me that?" I said crying at this point.

"You didn't answer me when I asked you if you were seeing other people." He said and got up from across me.

He came over to me and made me stand up. He hugged me as I cried and it felt good to have my head back on his chest. So much so that I cried more.

"Sh, don't cry." He said. "I'm here baby and we are going to get through this together." He told me kissing my ear.

He lifted up my shirt and kissed my belly. He began to cry.

"I prayed for you." He said to my belly and kissed it.

"It's already growing." He said looking at me from the side.

"I know." I said nodding my head.

I had lost so much weight while going through our separation. I was still plus sized, but not at my normal weight which made me upset. I love being a plus sized woman, with my curves, lumps and bumps, and being smaller and feeling like my face was sunken in I wasn't happy so when I found out I was pregnant, I was happy to see it coming back.

"So what does this mean?"he asked. "For us?"

I sighed. "I love you Devin. I'm just scared." I said.

"I promise things won't end like how they ended the first time. I realize what I did was wrong, and I also know that you will leave me and I never, ever want that to happen again." He said.

I nodded. "Okay, we can try again." I said.

He smiled and got on one knee. "Marry me." He said simply.

I laughed. "You just knew I was going to want you again." I said.

"I carry this in my pocket everyday, I'm determined to marry you, and love you for the rest of my life without any interruptions joy." He said and I nodded.

"I'll marry you again." I decided to follow my heart again.

He got up after sliding the ring on my finger and kissed my lips.

"Oh my god this ring is beautiful." I said looking at it.

"Your first one is better." He said.

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