A Death Eater Saves Me

Start from the beginning

While a part of my brain, that apparently does not see the bigger picture, floated to the Malfoys at the line of 'rich, degrading family'. It stung a bit that this man just classified me like them.

I stuttered the next time I spoke, words tripping and shaking. "What?! I-I have no idea-. I-I wouldn't. I-... Magic isn't real" I forced myself to say.

"The stick in your back pocket begs to differ. Or is it a wand with you magicians? Though I'll say I'm disappointed, I was expecting long beards, and sparkly hats with long bedsheets. " The boy mused. "Are there any witches you know with green skin, a face full of warts, a pointed hat, and nose?"

"Uh- N-no." I stuttered not over the fact that he managed to discover my identity. ,
A sudden question occurred. Am I breaking the Statue of Secrecy? Well, in all technicalities he figured it out. Can I be charged of letting someone know about the wizarding community? Another technicality is all he knows is that wizards exist, I'm a wizard, and british. Put two and two together, and he'll know that most wizards live in the UK.

"How'd you get that scar by the way?" I froze. I need to get out of here.

"I'm not obligated to answer you, mate"

"Then why have you answered my past questions?" At least he seems to have common sense.

"I changed my mind" I lamely told him, he laughed it off.

"Don't let me keep you then"

I turned around and walked back the path I came.

After a couple of steps, I realized that it was too dark to see anything and fog had started gathering. A cold feeling pricked me at the back of my neck. Suddenly, glowing red eyes appeared, and a low growl with it. I blinked, and it was suddenly gone like it was never there; then again it may never have been there.

Oh, dear lord. Please tell me I'd just imagined that. Bloody hell! I'll even start doing my homework early, if you'll just let me have a peaceful walk. No werewolves, no dementors, no death eaters.

I shook it off, and carried on, careful to stay on the path.

Sooner than I'd hoped, the fog had become too thick, to even see my hand waving inches in front of my face. Not to mention the fact that my glasses, started misting up. I groaned, and a thought hit me like Platform 9  3/4,  hit Ron and I on our second year. If I couldn't even see inches in front of myself, I can do magic and no one will realize! Then another thought hit me. Would the Ministry be able to trace that I used magic out of school... Again?

Ehh, I need to get out of here. Worth the risk.

I used a point me spell, to get back on the path at least. A few steps forward I tripped... I groaned as my chest started to hurt, which took the brunt if the fall. I was about to get back up when I heard the growl again.

Very carefully I turned around. And those red eyes were there again; this time though, it started to stalk forward instead of retreating back like last time. I moved back but my back hit a tree. I shook myself out of staring, and raised my wand.

"Stupefy!" I yelled. The spell hit somewhere below the eyes, but it was like it just absorbed it.
"Petrificus Totalus! Immobulus! Expecto Patronum!" It just absorbed everything, the patronus circled around it before fading.

" Uh...Confringo! Diffindo!" The fire curse affected it.. Why? I have no idea... It caught alight, making me able to see it through the thick fog. It was a dog-like creature. Correction, huge dog-like creature. With sharp teeth; very sharp teeth.
And out of the blue, hoping it was just a bogart "Riddikulus!" Once again nothing.
Well, at least I wont have to do my homework early, seeing as I'm about to get eaten by a demon dog. And being eaten is not in the definition of a peaceful walk.

I don't know if it was luck or fate, or something else... But just as it got in a pouncing position, it bounded to the left a bit, sniffed the air, then started growling to the right. Then I saw why; a bronze knife was sticking out of its right side. A figure rushed at it from the right, it quickly pounced on the man, who sidestepped and stabbed the creature with a sword. WAIT! Sword? He wasn't holding anything the second before! And his sleeve slipped up when he stabbed the thing with the sword. He had the Dark Mark! He was a Death Eater.

"Thanks for the light show... Without it, I wouldn't have made it in time..." It took a moment to realize, he was talking to me.

"Uhhh, welcome I guess?" Looking at him carefully I realized he was the same person from earlier.

"Hold on! You're the person earlier! Where did you get the bloody sword? And what was that demon dog? And most importantly why do you have the Dark Mark?"

"Close, hellhound. A magician never reveals his secrets, mate." He stressed the word mate. He started walking away, but he called out before he completely disappeared. I stood shocked as I registered his last words. How could he have possibly known? How did he even know I didn't come to a this city alone?


Hey peeps,
Before you people start killing me. I'm sorry, I've been... busy.
I have news! I lived in the Philippines before... Now I'm in Canada! Still new though... Been here just 2 months right now...
So bye now! I don't own either HP or PJO.
Credits to google for the pic ^^^ 😁😁😁
Love you guys 😘😘😘

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