Chapter 21

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Vincent, defensively, goes in front of you, arms out stretched. You watched as Slenderman struggled to get out of the dog pile.

"'s all right." You try to assure him. You see his shoulders relax a little, but that's the only sign of ease you get from him. Other than that, it looks like he won't budge. You heave a sigh.

"Y/N, I specifically told you not to go outside the mansion." Slenderman said in that 'I'm so disappointed in you' tone. You sighed again, speechless. "However, I understand the situation. You are a growing teenager, and education is of importance."

You left your head up a little, seeing Slenderman creased face soften. You can always find ways when people mean what they say.

"Thank you." You say in a soft whisper.

"There is one condition, though. You have to go to school with Vincent and a proxy of mine. We can't have you alone when Zalgo is on the verge of attacking." Slenderman said.


You recount all of the events from yesterday. F/N (friend name in case you forgot) came rushing toward you. She saw Vincent and Jeff behind you. Since Jeff has been to the school once already, Slenderman decided he went to school with you.

"Two hotties? Wow, you are on a roll! What happened during your break?" F/N teases. You shrug.

"Eh, just...well, one is a boyfriend, the other is a friend." You say. You look at them, finding it weird to see them here normally. They weren't wearing any makeup, but only because you were the only one that could see them for them. Everyone else saw them as humans. Nothing but normal humans.

"Still, two hotties is a score!" F/N looks up at Vincent. "Nice to see you again."

You watch as she runs off to class. The bell rang just after she left. You sigh.

"Vincent, you are too old looking to go to class. Pretend to be a janitor or something." You say. Vincent shifts. "Well, um....I might have, might have not kidnapped the teacher, locked her in a closet, and made a fake claim saying I was a substitute teacher from the University of California."

"Really?" You face palm yourself. "Don't make a fool of yourself. Good thing F/N isn't in this class. Let's go." You walk into your classroom, Vincent and Jeff right behind you.

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