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From: Luke at 9:28am

It's been like a month and a half.

Are you ignoring me?

I'm sorry if I did anything to upset you.

To: Luke at 1:05pm

luke i am so so so sorry i just took my last final literally yesterday i crashed after school and just woke up i've been so stressed and studying like crazy and i had the flu and no you didn't do anything wrong i am so sorry for ignoring you

From: Luke at 1:22pm
It's fine Michael. Do you want to hang out and just relax or something?

To: Luke at 1:23pm
uh i gotta ask my dad but that'd be great tbh

From: Luke at 1:23pm

To: Luke at 1:38pm
he said it was fine

From: Luke at 1:40pm
Great, I'll pick you up at 3?

To: Luke at 1:41pm
yeah of course

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