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To: Luke at 5:58am
i hate school

i hate the bus

i hate english class

i hate school food

i hate everyone at this damn school

From: Luke at 2:39pm
You hate everything, don't you?

To: Luke at 2:51pm

i hate my dad too

From: Luke at 3:00pm
That's harsh. What happened?

To: Luke at 3:02pm
hes just an asshole. i need cuddles.

From: Luke at 3:04pm
Okay, we'll be back in Australia in two weeks.

To: Luke at 3:12pm
literally what is your point i'm broke & cant afford concerts

From: Luke at 3:13pm
I know. I'm sending you tickets and backstage passes for our last show in Sydney.

To: Luke at 3:15pm

are you for real

From: Luke at 3:19pm
Of course. I consider you a friend, you know.

To: Luke at 3:20pm
omg i love u

From: Luke at 3:22pm
Haha, love you too. Do you have a PO box or do you want them to be sent directly to you?

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