But ma! This is ma home!

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I sighed as I picked up my shabby violin case and pulled out the old, wooden instrument. She once belonged to my mum, and before that, my mum's mum, and so on...

She was delicately made with a soft brown colour and a light coat of varnish. She had four, silver strings and a few chips in her side. A wooden chin rest held her base together whilst a black cushioned shoulder rest accompanied her side. She sounded beautiful when she hummed all the playable notes! I pulled out the old tuner and clipped it onto the head of my violin and started plucking the notes before getting a reader on the little screen. Ping! I heard the note play and started to fine tune the musical instrument and soon enough, she was ready.

I gently placed her down as I pulled out my full size bow and tightened the strings and pulled out some rosin. Gently, I rubbed the rosin against the horsehair before tapping the tip of the bow on the ground. This made the rosin dust fall through all the strings. I sat my violin on my left shoulder and pulled back on the bow using my right hand.

Deep Breath.


I quickly pulled on the bow and my darling hummed out a striking note! I quickly placed fingers on certain strings and played notes at a quick speed.

The audience were caught in a trance as my violin sang the sweetest notes, drawing them in. My foot started to tap the beat and soon the crowd followed, clapping their hands together trying to keep the timing right.

Around seven minutes later (when my hands nearly got cramp), the bow finally came to a slow, slow stop and the notes droned on and a slow air took control and filled the room. Long and graceful notes resonated around the crowd as they were drawn back into the sad tale of a loving sailor being drowned, so tragic.

When this slowly came to a stop, the crowd went wild! I slowly lowered my violin and bowed at the waist. When the applause stopped, I rose again and slowly walked off the stage, only for me to place my violin in it's shabby, brown protective case. I then walked out of the small wooden door and into the corridor.

The walls were an off white with a few stains here and there. This gave the cramped corridor an eerie feeling, which made me want to escape it quicker. The walls seemed to be closing in as I made a mad (unprofessional) dash towards the end. The corridor seemed never ending as my feet bounded across the red carpet which tugged at my shoes, trying to trip me up.

When I got to the end of the long corridor, I turned a sharp right and tugged on the blue doors handle, successfully opening the door, and walked into the hall where the audience sat.

Taking a seat by my mother and father and little cousin, they all turned towards me and said 'Well done' with cheesy smiles and big thumbs ups! This made a small smile appear in my face but I dropped it and turned to look at the wooden stage I had previously stood on to now see another violinist trying the exact same pieces I played.

He was very talented with a lot of potential, but his notes were too flat or too sharp and his playing wasn't as smooth. I hummed a long as he played the ending slow air, swaying gently in my seat, not realising until the end of the song.

Everyone else clapped whilst I brought two fingers to my mouth and let out a high pitched whistle as a (not so silent) well done.

It was a few hours before we got home. When we did I noticed three large white lorry parked outside and Dad was speaking to one of the drivers, I couldn't hear as I was still in the car but it looked important as the two men had furrowed eyebrows. Soon enough, the short round man went back into his lorry and drove away. Quickly, the other two followed. Mum signalled for me to get out and I slowly undone my seatbelt and stretched out of the car, only to hear the words.

"Ealasaid! We're moving to Japan!"


I was speechless! We were happy here! I could visit my cousins any day I wanted so we were quite close, Mum and Dad were happy with their jobs and I was good at school! the only thing I never liked was that their was no Volleyball Team, but I got over that after 1st year! I play basketball instead, I may not be the best but its not too bad...

"W-w-where are we moving to...?" I stuttered out, still completely confused.

"Toronto Town, They have a great school there and we want you to learn another language!" Mum replied, all too cheerful.

I was great at Spanish! Top in my year! It was the only subject I liked apart from Expressive Art: Art. My Best friend preferred French and Expressive Art: Music,  so, we were like Ying and Yang, huh?

"We have packed all your stuff darling, It just left there! Our plane is in a couple of hours so a quick pee break then we're on the road again." Dad brought me out of my trance.

Nodding, I ran up the concrete stairs and through the empty house. It looked scary and creepy without furniture. I whizzed past the old kitchen, living room and up the stairs. Past Mum and Dad's room, past my old room and into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

When I was finished, I ran into the car, grabbed my pillow and blanket, and fell asleep to the beat on the radio. Japan, here I come!

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