3 - Pain

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I looked up at the girl who was sitting on my waist. It felt like she wasn't even there. "Hello?" She said, snapping me from my thoughts. Growling, I shoved her off me and watched as she fell against a tree, blood suddenly drippiy from her head. "Hm?" I murmured, noticing her shirt sleeve lifted. I felt m breathing hick in my throat as her arms. So many scars and cuts. "Whore." I breathed, throwing the girl over my shoulder with ease. I started walking towards the mansion.

I woke up in an old spoopy ass place. I remember being at school, then going to the bathroom.. JEFF!! That cunt brought me here to die. "Actually, I have a good idea to get those things off your arm and wrists" I just died. He found out. I cn NEVER forgive myself. "My mom did tha-I MEAN... There fake.... Special affects makeup..." He just shrugged and walked off, his sneakers echoing throughout this...place. Before I knew it, a guy with brown, thick, curly hair with orange goggles came down the stairs eating waffles. "Hey! I need some help.. Jeff brought me here... Can you take me home?" Tough question, he seemed to think before walking off again. Great.. (xD) Now i'm stuck in a house full of murderers I never believed in till I had Sam sleep over.


   "Ok ok ok... I don't want to, Samantha!" " Just do it, wuss. It's not real!" Sighing, I turned off the lights, lit my 3 candles and turned on my faucet. Staring into the mirror, a girl stared back. My reflection. "Ok.. Bloody Mary..." I paused.."Bl-bloody Mary." Pause..."BLOODY MARY!" Sam shrieked, kicking open the door. Screaming, I forgot the toilet was open and fell back.. "OMG! Nicole.. Are you ok?!" I nodded, soaked in toilet water... I stood up and shook out my next wet hair and shoo'd Sam to my room. "Haha.. Very funny... Look at my precious emu hair!" I joked. My hair was black with blue ombre tips, and I always made it 'scene' styled. "Wanna hear a story?" Sam said it a creepy voice. "Sure.." 

"Once.. there was boy.. He was 13, and had a brother named Lui.....-"

"And before he kills them... staring at them with those eyelidless eyes.. carved smile and singed hair... He says... Go...To...SLEEP!" She yelled and tackled me. "And that's how he became Jeff the Killer.. and actually.. this is his old house..." That sent shivers down my spine...And next thing I knew... I was asleep curled in my girlfriends lap..


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