2 - Casual Day

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     I jolted awake. In bed. I threw a glass vase down and flinched as it shattered. "What the hell?" My mum said walking Into my room. "Slut! Are you trying to slit your wrists??" She scoffed "It doesn't matter. Your going to die from suicide anyways!" "At least I'm not going to die from 10 million pounds of herpes!" I exclaimed.

   I seethed the pain that shot threw my body. It felt good. Pleasurable pain. I was satisfied, disgusted, fat, worthless, and pained. I sighed once more as I felt my skin split into two. The blood slowly dripping, as if wishing to be used in a more useful need. I paused. "I'm done." I whispered. I bandaged everything, and slowly slipped on my shirt, pants, and Totoro sweater. I added black socks that matched my black vans.

[ School ]

   I grunted. Throwing myself into my seat. "Miss." The teacher glared. I perked my head. "Posture!" She chirped. I groaned in pain as I sat up. All gir!s school SUCK dick. I raised my hand and beckoned for the teacher. 'May I be excused?' I wrote. She nodded and allowed me into the restroom.

    I was standing on the toilet seat dancing like a wackjob. Stop. I heard a tap from the window? I slowly turned and fell. Looking above me, I saw him. White skin, cut smile, no eyelids. Jeff.
"JEFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!" I shrieked. I jumped threw the window and tackled him into the wet grass and Nuzzled into his neck. "The fuck?" He hissed. "I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!" I giggled, my Irish accent strong.

Murderer's Can Love Too ( Jeff The Killer )Where stories live. Discover now