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Nicole Above

As thunder clapped in the dark sky above, I lay awake.. Staring into the darkest corner in my room. This is the corner that held so many of my secrets, and was to hold more to come. "Fuuuuuccckkk.." I grunted, tumbling out of bed in a heap of blankets, sheets, pillows, and stuffed animals. Looking at my Batman alarm clock. 4:25. Ugh. I'm already up. Might as well shower..

I grabbed a BVB shirt, black sweats, black skinnies with rips in the knees and stained with fake blood. And a grey Totoro sweater that went just above my knees and past my finger tips.
I turned on the shower, medium hot medium cool. Perrrfect!!

I coughed threw the steam. "Huh???" My bathroom door was opened. I closed it. And locked it. And bolted it. The bolt lock was broken in several metal pieces on the floor. "Nicole! Why the hell are you awake.. And in a towel dripping wet?!" Looking over, there stood my dad. I never talked around him or at school. Just to myself. I'm basically mute. But I do talk. But only to myself. I stood and stalked past him, only to have a hand groped around my neck. I was seeing black spots in my vision just as the power went out and a crash was heard downstairs. A low, angered growl came from my father as he dropped me. He never returned back upstairs. All I heard was a thump. Then the power was back on.
I was barely able to get out my bedroom door.

"Shh.. Go to sleep."

Then blackness.. Just as more thunder and lighting basically had a storm fuck in the sky.

Murderer's Can Love Too ( Jeff The Killer )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu