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Jake birth day

7 hours earlier

I was currently setting up for Jake's birthday party in the afternoon with Harry when I got finished I told Ashton to start the party with out me since I ha to go change and so did Harry and I went back home. After me and Harry changed we went directly to the party but on the way someone stopped I front of us making me almost crash the guys decided to walk out of their car and walk over to me but as soon as I open the window everything went black.

I open my eyes and as soon as I do I feel pain on the side of my head they must have hit me. I hope Harry is okay.

"Oh good youre up" I hear a girl who is probably my same age or younger than me. "I thought you were never gonna wake up" when I see her she looks so much like Ashton but they cant posibly be related. "What do you want from me?" she laughs and walks to the other side of the room. "I want you and my brother to never be happy!" her brother? Who is her brother? "Yea thats right Ashton is my brother" How did I not know he had a sister.

"Wheres Harry? What did you do to him?" she laughs again. "Trust me he's more than okay" I look at her confused as she opens the door and Harry walks in. "Harry?" he looks at me with nothing but pain in his eyes ,but what is he doing standing there next to her? "Harry why dont you tell your dear sister what you did" He dooesnt say anything and looks the other way. "Oh then let me explain" she says with an avil grin. "Your brother here has been telling you lies since he moved in with you, Do you really believe hes stupid enough to believe all your lies?"

"Harry what is she talking about?" He looks straight at me and says the things I hate most in the world. "I was never on your side since the begining I was on her side I only went to your house to get information"

"You son of a bitch! How could you do this to me I thought you loved me your sister but no they always prefer the bitch who them what to do" he walk up to me feeling sorry but I just look away. "I don't want to see your face ever again". He walks out of the room leaving me with her.

"What do you want anyways it's not like I'm worth anything to anyone" she laugh. "On the contrary you are, to my brother"

"Are you sure we've been separated for more than a year I don't think he like me anymore" she gives me a puzzled look. "I don't think you know him that well if you he doesn't care"

I look at her and instead of being scared I felt bad for her. Those pain filled eyes. Anyone else would feel scared but I see so much of me in her. Like I would some how turn out that way I it wasn't for me having Jake.

"Let me in!" someone screams from the outside. Suddenly I heard shots being fired. The door soon opened letting Harry in. "What's wrong?" she asked with a cold tone. "They came for her" he says catching his breath.

"Watch her I'll handle this!" She screamed at him walking away.


I was just waiting when I got a call from one of our guys saying that they say Cassie getting dragged into a van and her car was in the middle of the road.

I obviously knew who had done this since she almost killed Jared a few days back. I ha found out where she lived and was currently inside the house.

Guns being fired and screaming was all you could hear as me and the guys walked further into the house.

Then out of. No where my sister walked into the room shooting down a lot of people and standing in front of me.

"Give her back to me!" I screamed at her not caring what sheight do to me. "Why should I let you be happy? You ruined my revenge!" She says scoffing at my remark.

"Did you expect me a person who takes shit from no one to do nothing after getting hit with different objects and then being stabbed while having a gun on you" she looks at me shocked. I hadn't told her all if this because she didn't need to know.

"What do you mean you got stabed?" I sigh but still keep my gun pointed at her. "He stabed me I was not paying attention as I was picking up your thing and he stabed me"

"I didn't kill him for revenge I killed him out of self defense" I said catching my breath. "I didn't mean to kill him I knew you wanted to I did it out o self defense"

Then out of no where she gets hit in the head and passes out. When I look back up I see Cassie.

"You can kidnap me all you want but not on my sons birth day" she says in a mad tone. "Well aren't you momzilla" I laugh as she walk into my arms and I give her a hug. "Let's go to the party" I say and we go back to the birth day party.

Sorry I was gonna update earlier but I'm a gigantic procrastinator.

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