"Sissy help me"

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Chapter 2:


'Come find me' a faint sound.

'Sissy Where are you?'

A worried voice sounds, it seems like it would be a young girl, and out of the black appears a small girl about eight years old maybe with jet black brown with little pigtails comes walking out wearing a white dress with black flowers covering the bottom and baby doll shoes. After looking at the girl for a while I realize that the little girl is me.

'Sissy I'm getting scared can we stop playing now? Please?'

The little version of me says scared and beginning to cry louder. But I know for a fact she won't come back she's found her mate somewhere else and is enjoying his presence and isn't thinking about you or what's in the forest with us. Too bad back then I didn't know what to do help myself. Then in the faint distance a growl is heard from the south and the little version of me turns slowly and her eyes get large with fear. Slowly a large wolf with jet black fur with sliver tipped ears appears and is snarling loudly to the little me.


I yell as I begins running away from the wolf. I run and hide behind a larger tree hoping it doesn't find me, but when the little me looks the wolf is standing right in front of me before I could scream again it jumps at me.

* For Shyla's sake * *Where stories live. Discover now