Chapter five: call of the time lords

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[Doctor who/ Torchwood fanfiction


Role play scene five: call of the time lords


Rose: @Rosebud666


Clara: @ScarletSpirit

Jack Harkness:@Allylenz

Ianto: @Allylenz



(Other characters were improvised by the main characters. This story originated from a role play enjoy :D )

Happy birthday Mairead <3

The group had gotten back from their strange yet exciting, vacation a few months previous. Jack had, with his charm, convinced Eliza to join Torchwood.

He stood in his office shuffling through random papers.

Eliza walked up Jack, "Hey, can I do some research?" She asked touching his shoulder. She pointed to the computer.

Eliza laughed. "Okay!" She rolled her eyes. She sat down at the computer and pulls the chair in. She took out a pair of glasses an slid them onto her face.

Rose stood from the couch in the main room. "Clara?"

"Hmm?" Clara looked at Rose.

"Wanna go for a walk?" She smiled.

"Sure. Why not," Clara replied.

They walked down the busy streets. Rose shielded her eyes from the sunlight, walking down Cardiff plaza. "So how have you been feeling lately?"

"Fine I guess," Clara replied. By now her baby bump was visible.

Rose smiled. "Thats good to hear."

"Yeah..." Clara trailed off. The wheezing sound of the TARDIS. Her head snapped up. She thought it was her hormones and dismissed it but then she heard it again. "Rose... I might be going crazy but I swear I can hear the TARDIS sound..."

Rose freezes in her tracks and tries to listen to what Clara heard. "No... You're kiddding.." Rose looked at Clara wide eyed.

The TARDIS materialized in front of them.

Clara breath caught in her throat and she gasped. "Rose!"

Rose began breathing heavily, images of the doctor clouding her mind overwhelming her.

The door opens and a smoke comes from inside. The tenth doctor emerges, covered in soot and coughing. "Never do that one again." He dusted his suit off. "Note to self: it's a bad idea to go to Clum on Thursdays..."

Rose covered her hand in shock. Clara's heart sank. It wasn't her doctor. But the doctor was the doctor and she felt happy to see him.

"Oh my..." Clara whispered.

"Doctor..?" Rose whispered more to herself than to anyone else.

The doctor looked up. His eyes sparkled at the sight of them. "Rose!"

"Doctor!" Rose teared up and hugged him tightly as humanly possible. "It's you, it really is, isn't it?"

"Doctor... Wow..." Clara breathed. Rose let go of him, still shocked.

The doctor turned to Clara. "Clara! Nice you two have meet!" He hugged her.

She put on a confused expression. "How...? How do you know me?" Clara asked confused. The doctor she had knew was different.

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