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Stiles drove for about half an hour before realising he had no idea where he was going. He pulled over and thumped his head against his steering wheel. Rubbing a hand over his face he looked up and could have cried. There in the window of the boutique across the road was the witch. Stiles watched as she left the stoor and looked over her shoulder before heading for the abandoned district of Beacon hills. Stiles grabbed his bag and jumped out of the jeep. Pulling his hood up and glancing around he followed her trying to stay in the shadows cast by the settting sun.

Derek rose groggily and yawned. What happened? Where am I? Why's it so dark? Where's Stiles? "Stiles!" Derek exclaimed begining to piece together what ahd happened. "You sneaky little bastard." Derek said to the shadows as he climbed to his feet. He stumbled forward until he hit something hard. Sniffing Derek could smell musty paper, lotion, wood, and cherry throat lozenges. "Stiles." Derek growled as he realised he was in the nightstand drawer. Turning around he threw himself at the front of the drawer. He heard a clink as the metal handle fell back against the wood but realized the drawer itself hadn't budged. He tried again only to get the same result and realised with irritability that Stiles had in fact locked him in the drawer. Derek growled and began to pace his confines. He wouldn't be able to howl loud enough for help at this size and he couldn't get himself out. He'd have to wait for John to return home, and hope that he came into his sons room. Fear dawned on Derek as he realized Stiles must be going after the witch. He angrily kicked at a lozenge and prayed the fool didn't get himself killed.

Stiles followed the witch to an abandoned ware house on the outskirts of Beacon. What is it with witches and ware houses? he thought falling behind a dumpster.There he checked all the darts were loaded and that he had the container ready. He had no idea how long the darts affect would work on the witch and prayed for a clean shot. He shoved his phone and bag behind a box and crept toward the building.

Derek was lucky and the sheriff got home fairly quickly. Knowing the sheriff would be able to hear him Derek let out a long loud howl. Moments later he heard the bedroom door open. "Derek?" John half called into the empty room. He heard a loud thud in reply and saw the cord attatched to Stiles' bed frame shake. Following the cord his eyes landed on the locked desk drawer. With a sigh the sheriff unwrapped the cord and freed Derek. "This isn't good is it?" he asked pulling out the tiny alpha. Derek shook his head and quickly explained what had happened. John grabbed his sons laptop and opened a browser as Derek used his cell to get the pack to the house. Logging in John quickly used the tracker app he'd had installed on his son's phone. Within moments the pack was at the door and the sheriff was leading them in various vehicles towards the abbandoned district.

Inside he moved as quietly as he could trying not to disturb anything. He was so focused on being quiet he almost didn't notice the floor drop out to a bay below. At the last possible minute Stiles stopped and windmilled his arms to keep from falling. Then he darted to the side hopeing he hadn't just given away his presence. Stiles peered around the wall and saw the witch sitting down at a table. HE could see she really set herself up this time. A bed, clothing racks full of expensive looking clothes, a vanity and much more. She was applying some sort of foundation on her face as Stiles took aim. "Please." he muttered before pulling the trigger and letting the dart fly. Stiles couldn't help but smile as the dart struck home right between the witches shoulder blades. She jumped up and spun around spotting Stiles just as her legs gave out and everything went black. Stiles climbed down the stairs that led to the bay and stooped beside the witch. He took an army knife from his back pocket and made a small incesion before pressing the glass container to it. He watched as blood filled the vial. The witch groaned and Stiles quickly screwed the container shut and started towards the stairs. He slipped hte vial into his pocket just as the witch opened her eyes. She let out a wet whistle and a loud growl sounded from behind the stairs. Three rottweilers appeared and started towards Stiles. He frantically looked for another way out but saw none. "Shit." he whispered backing away from the dogs. "Knew that drug dissapating spell was worth it." the witch said. Stiles glanced behind him and saw she was already sitting up. "Never a good idea to mess with a witch sweet heart you never know the aces they have up their sleeves." she said standing to her full height. "Sic him." All stiles had time to do was register the dogs eyes glow green before they were on him. He yelled in pain as the first dog dug into his forearm and went down when the second bit into his heel. Stiles writhed in pain swatting in a desperate attempt to get the dogs off of him. It was no use and the three dogs just tore into him ripping deep gashes with their teeth and claws leaving scarlet gushing in their wake. There was a fine high pitched whistle and just like that the dogs were gone. Stiles struggled to focus as the witch stepped forward. "Who knew little red needed the big bad wolf to survive." she chuckled kneeling down in front of him. "Good boys leaving you just intact enough to bleed out slowly. About an hour and no one is gonna be able to find you. You will die here slowly, painfully, and alone." she said checking for a cell. Satisfied he didn't have one on him she stood up grabbed a bag and left. Stiles watched as the three dogs followed her before everything began to get fuzzy. He managed to pull himself over to a low wall and prop himself up. The funny thing was he didn't hurt anymore. Maybe the dogs hadn't actually done any damage. Stiles realized he was kidding himself and the lack of pain was due to shock or bloodloss as he regarded the ever growing pool of crimson he was laying in. The witch was right, he was going to die here. He hadn't told anyone where he was and even though they knew he was after the witch they wouldn't know where. He let his head thump back against the wall. Hopefully they find me eventually and Deaton discovers the vial. Stiles thought as he closed his eyes. He didn't know how long he sat there be it minutes, hours, or even days. He had no real sense of time being all numb like this. All he knew was there was the faint sound of a crash and then people yelling. To him they sounded far away or under water. He knew this wasn't the case when there was suddenly hands on him shaking him. "Stil- Stiles you have to s- Stay awak dammit!" Stiles heard only bits and pieces of what this person was saying. He groggily opened his eyes but couldn't focus. He somehow managed to know it was Scott holding him. He tried to say he was fine but all that escaped his lips was a gurgle. He was dimly aware of sirens as he clumsily got a hand into his pocket. He produced the vial of blood and thrust his hand at Scott. Scott grabbed the vial before Stiles dropped it and looked confused. Again Stiles gurgled unintelligibly but waved his hand at John or more accuratly Derek. "Its the witches blood." Derek muttered his ears plastered to his head. "Get it to Deaton." he said before ducking into John's pocket as the paramedics entered the building. They swiftly got Stiles on a stretcher and one began to stop the bleeding while the other pulled them towards the exit. Stiles lay back against the stretcher and closed his eyes. Scott leaped into the ambulance with them. "You gotta stay awake buddy." he muttered clasping Stiles' hand in his own. Stiles nodded but couldn't fight the darkness any longer. The pack could do nothing but watch as the ambulance drove off sirens screaming and lights flashing.

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