He Helps You Face A Fear (Josh)

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Josh and I are at the pet store and I'm practically dragging him around the store to look at all of the animals. theSe walk over to the area where the keep all of the puppys and I bend down to the cage and a adorable golden retriever puppy comes up to my and licks my face through the cages bars. I look up at Josh and give him the puppy dog face
"Nice try babe, but I don't think it would be such a good idea since we have a cat."
"Ugh, okay."
I stand up and kiss his cheek. He smiled and says
"How about we go look at some of the other animals, we don't want them to feel left out."
Josh grabs my hand and we walk over to the reptile cages. I look through the glass and see a snake curled up in the back of the cage, I'm really afraid of snakes but as long as it's in the cage I'm okay. Josh looks into the cage and says
"I've always wanted a snake."
"I havent, I'm actually kind of afraid of them."
"As long as they aren't poisonous I'm fine with them."
A store clerk walks over to us and says
"Would you like to hold one?"
"Yeah, that would be sick!"
The clerk reaches inside the cage and pulls the snake out, I look at Josh and see that he is pretty excited. I take a step back and then he says
"Its okay babe, it won't hurt you, see watch."
Josh takes the snake in his hands and looks at it stright in the eyes. The snake flicks it's tongue and states at Josh.
"See there is nothing to be afraid of, here try and hold him, I promise nothing is going to happen."
He holds the snake out towards me and I cautiously take it from him, it looks at me and flicks it's tongue just like it did with Josh. I feel somewhat better now. I hand the snake back to the store clerk and Josh says
"See, it wasn't that bad babe."
"Yeah, you're right."
He leans in close to me and says
"Can I get one?"
"Not a chance."

I hope you liked it, don't forget to like and comment, plz leave any suggestions for future imagines, thanks :)

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