Emilys recovering

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( riki's eyes)

" what the hell" I yelled ripping my office apart.

" sir calm down" said one of my assistants.

" calm down, calm down" I yelled throwing a chair at his head.

He fell and had blood run down his face.

" I'm going to kill her. I'm going to kill her!!" I yelled once more.

I ran to where the cells were. They were gone and Sarah was on the ground dead.

" I knew she wouldn't last long " I said rolling my eyes at the fact that my girlfriend failed at her job.

My assistant was right behind me and went wide eye when he saw his sister dead.

He ran into the cell and looked at Sarah's neck it was drenched in blood.

" this is your fault" he yelled in tears.

" do you want the same to happen to you" I said with my eyes blood red.

He picked his sister up and walked out of the room.

" looks like I have to kill her myself" I grunted.

(Emily's eyes)

I wake up with a very big headache

"What happened" I say sitting up rubbing my head

"Hey sis" Brandon says walking over to me and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Why does my head hurt" I ask

"We had to do the unthinkable" he says laughing.

I laugh then punch his shoulder.

"Thanks bro" I say smiling.

I see Arron run into the room then runs up to me and hugs me.

"Don't leave me" he says squeezing me.

"Can't... Breathe..." I finally say

"Oh sorry" he says letting go of me "how are you feeling"

"My head hurts" I say.

"Oh is there anything I can do" he says smiling at me.

"I don't think so I'll just rest maybe it will go away after that" I say

I slowly close my eyes then goes to sleep.

(Arron eyes)

"Can I have some time alone please" I ask Brandon.

"Sure" he says huffing then goes out to the living room.

I stroke Emily's hair making her smile as she sleeps then I smile back.

"I love you" I say smiling bigger.

"I love you too" she says then sits up and kisses me.

I close my eyes and I wrap my arms around her waist as she runs her fingers in my hair.

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