Chapter 2

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*Karla's pov* 

'W-what' I managed to stutter out. 

I'm finding it hard to breathe. How can he have died? The hospital were supposed to be taking care of him! 

'Im so sorry, it happened late last night.' My mum said, her facial expression hasn't changed, but there is something in her eyes that I just can't read. 

It all feels like a crushing weight on my shoulders, pushing me down into the ground. 

I cant handle everything, so I just get up and run to my room and slam the door, locking it. 

I colllapse on the bed, and curl up, soaking the sheets in my tears. 

I look over to the shelf next to my bed, where there is a photo of me and Harry on that day in the snow. 

I must have eventually fallen asleep, because I woke up when it was dark outside.

The time was 12:46, which ment everyone would have ben asleep by now.I go downstairs to get a drink. 

I reach into the fridge, and pull out a bottle of water, just as my mum's phone flashes up. 

My eyes burn slightly at the new bright light, but I just ignore it. 

For some reason I feel the need to look at the new messages from kate, of course there were the old messages:

Kate- Are we still going through with it? X

Georgia- Yes defiantly, it’s been to long now. X

Kate- Okay, good luck! Tell me how it goes! X

Georgia- Done it, but it was horrible, she's been in her room all day! X

Kate- Aw, poor thing, hopefully she doesn't figure it out! What did Anne say? 

Georgia- Yes, well Anne said it was a good idea, as Karla still hasn't gotten over him!

Kate- Well I'm still on for coming round tomorrow, and we will see how she is coping with the 'news' then. X

That was the end of the conversation. 

They hope I don't figure out what.. 

Unless... What if Harry isn't dead, they just said it to help me to get over him?

No. They wouldn't do that would they? 

But, it does all add up. 

I can't even describe my feelings right now. Its a mix between anger and hurt. 

I have no evidence that they are lying about Harry's death, but I have a strong feeling that they are. 

I need to get out of this house of lies. 

I grab my keys, phone, money and a jacket and run out of the house. 

Its rather scary being out at this time in the morning, but its better than being stuck in the house. 

I walk down to the 24 hour stop station, and walked in. There was a girl standing there that I know very well. 

'Karla?' She called out.

'Millie!' I said, faking a smile. 

'How have you been?' She asked, pulling me into a hug. 

Millie was my primary best friend, but I haven't seen her in about 6 years. In the nicest way possible, I haven't really missed her. 

'Yeah... Um... Alright... I guess.' I stutter. 

'Are you sure?' She asked raising an eyebrow.

'Yeah I'm fine! N-never better.' I plastered on a smile, only stumbling a bit.

I cannot deal with going through everything that happened with Harry right now. 

Its all your fault Karla

'Okay then if you say so..' She muttered. 

'I do say so.' I said defensively.                     

'Okay okay! So what exactly are you doing out at this time of night?' She asked leaning back against a counter. 

'Oh.... Um I just needed to get out o the house.' I stated. 

'Ah I see, mother driving you crazy?' 

'You could say that..' I said. 

'Well anyways, it was nice to see ya again - do you want to meet up sometime?' She asked hopefully. 

'I guess.' I sighed. 

'Great! Heres my number!' She chirped. 

After she had given me her number, she quickly hugged me, pulled back, and walked off. 

I saved the contact as Millie, as promised - even though I knew I wasn't going to meet with her. 

As  I watch her leave, my phone beeped.

It was a text from my mother. 

Mum- Where are you?!

I quickly typed a reply feeling all my anger rising up again.

Me- Anything you want to tell me first?

I shoved my phone deep into my pocket, and picked up an energy drink. 

'That'll be 2:60 then please love' The girl behind the counter said.

I did't really look up at her, just gave her the money and walked out onto the cold street again. 

It was freezing outside, and I was just about to give in and go back to my house, when a small white drop landed on my coat sleeve. 

I suddenly felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach just at watching the small piece of snow slowly melt into water and seep through my coat sleeve.

I was filled with a determination to find out where Harry is, and go to him. 

I knew he wasn't dead, I just knew it. 

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