Chapter 1

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Karla's pov*

I laid my head back on my bed and closed my eyes, listening to music, which always helped me relax, I was falling asleep, but not before checking my phone one last time for any sign that Harry could be awake - something I do every night.

The sound of rain outside caused my eyes to flutter open - I must have fallen asleep. I quickly turned over and checked my phone for the time. My eyes burned as the bright white light streamed out. I quickly dimmed down the light to the lowest and checked my messages. 


I clicked on Harry's contact and checked his messages.


I re-read our last messages again, for the millionth time.

Harry- Hey baby, I'm on my way over.x  

Karla- Yay, see you soon, love you.x 

Harry- Love you two baby.x 

I could feel tears pricking at my eyes, threatening to fall, but pushed them away reminding myself that I don't cry anymore. 

I forgot to check the time, and quickly looked.

1:57. Great. Im going to be awake for hours now.  

I laid back down on my pillow, and closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep to the memories of me and my Harry. 


'Harry, no its so cold out!' I cried as Harry ran out of my back door and into the snow. 

'Please! Just come out, its really not that bad!' He pleaded. 

'Well the snow says otherwise..' I said, turning around to grab my gloves from the porch. 

I turned around, just as Harry threw a big bundle of snow right into my hair. 

I let out a cry as the cold wetness ran down my jacket and into my jumper. 

'See? Now you are cold, so you have nothing to loose!' He cheered happily. 

I grabbed a giant piece of snow and turned it into a ball shape. 

I threw it and it had a perfect hit to his already red little nose. 

We stayed like this just mucking around for a while, until I was soaked and shivering. 

He walked over to me and embraced me in his large warm arms. 

'Karla... Your shivering..' He murmured into my wet hair.

He turned his neck to face me, and placed his warm pink lips against mine, and we shared our first kiss in the snow, standing as close as we could get to each other. 

*End of memory* 

'Karla? Karla honey, its time to get up..' My mother said, trying to wake me up. 

I just opened my eyes, and whipped the covers off me. 

I pulled myself out of bed and dragged a hair brush through my brown curly hair. 

I pulled on a pair of black leggings and a pink and white top. I didn’t even bother with putting on my makeup on, because to be honest I can’t be bothered with my appearance anymore.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where my mother was standing cooking something that smelled amazing, but then again I don’t eat much anymore.

I grabbed an apple, and sat down at the kitchen stools.

‘I’m just going to get Victoria up for school.’ She said and I just nodded as she disappeared up the stairs.

A moment later her phone beeped, and I heard mum’s voice call from upstairs saying:

‘Can you get that for me please?’

I quickly swiped the phone to unlock it, and thankfully she had taken the pass code off, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to get in.

The text was from my mum’s friend Kate, and I read the conversation:

Kate- Are we still going through with it? X

Georgia- Yes defiantly, it’s been to long now. X

Kate- Okay, good luck! Tell me how it goes! X

What was all that about? Oh well.

I placed the phone down on the side of the kitchen table, and called out a bye to my mum – unsure on if she had heard it or not – grabbed my phone and money, and left the house.

I was just walking down the high-street to the corner shop when I heard a few voices calling from behind me.

I turned around only to be faced with two people,  a teenage boy and girl, probably boyfriend and girlfriend.

‘Hey! Look at that thing! She ain’t even wearing any makeup! At least try and make yourself look decent!’ The girl called from up the street.

I just kept walking, trying to ignore it, but they just keep calling after me.

They soon get bored, and walk away, but I still feel like people are watching me, from everywhere from behind me. I know I’m just being paranoid, but I just can’t help it.

I just bought a cherry coke, and started walking back to the house.

When I stepped in the door, I noticed my mother sitting on the couch, with a sad expression on her face.


She immediately looked up, and used hand signals to tell me to sit down next to her.

Once sitting, she turned to me and held my hand.

‘Karla..... Anne just got off the phone to me....... Well there is no easy way to tell you this..... But Harry has passed away.’

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