(In the car with Baekhyun's parents)
"I think she looks gorgeous and she's perfect for Baekhyun. What I mean is Wife..Baekhyun's wife." Mr.Byun said and drive the car looking on the road. "I also think, but we have to test her first, like if she knows how to cook and take care of the house conditions then only we can decide for her being Baekhyun's wife." Mrs.Byun said thinking hard and Mr.Byun chuckle seeing his wife deciding for Baekhyun's future wife.

(Back to the couple.)
"It was awkward!" You said and made faces and Baekhyun laugh, "haha..i tried so hard explaining and they just give me a smile without saying something."  He said and walk to the living room. You just spend your whole day watching TV with Baekhyun. It was really boring but you just enjoyed cuddling with him on the sofa.

After some hours watching TV, Baekhyun decide to go shopping with you, and buy you some pretty clothes and for himself too.

"Jihyunie? Do you want to go out shopping?"  Baekhyun said and he hug you. You shrugged your shoulder but after seconds you nod your head. "If you want to go give me a kiss first." He said and you just punch his chest hard. "Stop being childish!" You said and quickly give him a peck on the lips.

He dress as usual and you wore your White V-neck T-shirt, Black skinny jeans and your pink color Nike shoes, you walk out with Baekhyun and he drive to the mall. You entered some random shop and Baekhyun followed. He pick some dress for you and casual clothes. He picked yours and he told to try them, you just followed his directions since, you don't have any money to buy the clothes.

You wore several clothes but, he told to pick them all. Your eyes widened at one of the clothes, it was very expensive more than what you expected. You just show Baekhyun the price tag and he just shrugged. "Its ok, anything for you Babe~" he said and payed with his card.

You just pouted and he drag you to some of the fancy restaurant. You just eat whatever he orders. Meanwhile, after ordering Baekhyun just stare at you and you just pouted and he smile cheesily. "Why are you pouting? Don't pouted, that clothes is not that expensive, I buy it because I love and cared for you." He said and you smirk.

"That's the first reasons, second why are you bringing me here..in this fancy restaurant? I'm not feeling very comfortable." You said as you shows your fingers here and there. He smile and hold your hands, its ok since there is no one in the room only you and Baekhyun. Its a private room. He then kiss it and rub your hands on his face. "One day your going to be mine forever." He said and you blushed.

After sometimes, the foods arrived and you ate deliciously. "Baek? I'm so full!" You said and lean back on the chair. "No, your not yet. We have to eat Ice-Cream ok?" He said and take your hands bringing you outside the restaurant and went to some Ice-Cream Shop. He order 2 strawberry Ice cream and you pouted again and pinch your cheeks.

After eating the delicious ice cream, Baekhyun decide to go home. He drove and you were just fulled and tired so, you rest you head on the window and listen to the sad song, after some minutes your eyes feel heavy and you sleep.

"Jihyunie? We're here!" Baekhyun said and he looked at you and saw you were sleeping, so he carry you to the apartment and lay you on the bed slowly. He kiss your cheeks making you awake. "Baek? You carry me till we reached the apartment? Why you didn't wake me up? Is your back hurting?" You said rubbing your eyes like a little kid.

"No, its ok! Just change your clothes and go to sleep." He said and take the shopping bags earlier and hang your clothes which he bought in the closet. You change your clothes to pajamas and walk out of the bathroom. You hug Baekhyun from behind he startled but hug you back. He dragged you to the bed and pushes you to lay and tuck you in the blankets.

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