"It's adorable." Shawn says quietly "ok, let's go to Millers Creek." He says leading me down to a huge park that has two baseball diamonds I think. He leads me to a bench. We sit down.

"So.." I say quietly.

"So..." A lot of girls stare at us and give me glares.

"A-Are y-you l-like 18? I just want to know because you have so many tattoos?" I say looking at him.

"Nope, I'm sixteen." He says

"Oh, h-how'd y-you get t-them." I say.

"That's a long story." He says

"Oh fudge it's 3:55! I have to be home!" I say loudly while getting up.

"What's your number, I'll text you." He says quickly

"**********, ok can you take me home now?" He looks at me

"Yeah let's go." We jog to my house and it takes about 3 minutes. I go in to my house

"Go get dressed. Something nice." She says sternly

"O-ok." I go upstairs and put on a black skater dress, black heels, I then put on a black cardigan and I curl my hair and put on some red lipstick and do gentle make up. I hear the doorbell and run downstairs.  My mom opens the door

"Hi, I'm Alexis, that's my daughter Leah and my son Jeremy." My mom says introducing us. They come in. A boy behind them.

"I'm Karen, this my husband Manny, my daughter Aaliyah, and my son Shawn." The lady says

"Oh h-hey Shawn" I say

"Hey Leah." He responds

"You two know each other?" My mom says

"We met at the park.." Shawn says lying to her

"Y-yeah." I say walking down the other half of the stairs "I'm g-going to s-set t-he table." I say walking to the dining room opening up a cabinet where place mats are. I grab one. My dad will be here any minute. He's a therapist, so he is never home. My dad comes in

"Hey sorry I'm late." My dad says

"Dad!" I yell running over hugging him

"Leah!" He says hugging me back we stop hugging everyone reintroduces him to them. We set the table and all sit down. I sit next Jeremy with Shawn across from me and Aaliyah sitting next to me

"Your really pretty." Aaliyah says "I wish I was has pretty has you." She says

"Oh no your the pretty one." I say smiling

"Thanks," she laughs

"Umm where's the restroom?" Shawn says

"I'll show you." I say getting up and leading him down a hall to the main bathroom. Shawn grabs my waist sending butterflies to my stomachs. "W-what are you doing.." I whisper

"Shh." He says and leans in pressing his lips against mine. His lip ring is cold. Our lips fit perfectly. I push him off

"Shawn!" I whisper yell.

"Leah." He smirks and walks into the bathroom. I go back to the table. Their talking about politics and what happened to Paris and other things that I just keep my head down. I take a bite of my food staying quiet.

"Mom m-may I-I be e-excused?" I say

"I know it's hard but please try not to stutter," my mom says

"I think it's hot." Shawn says. My cheeks burn red

"SHAWN!" His mom says loudly.

"It's true!" He says. Jeremy looks like he's about to kill him

"Leah go ahead." My mom says

"I'm going to Cams, mom." Shawn says standing up leaving my house. I walk up my stairs to my room. I look and see Shawn standing on the balcony. I open it

"What?" I say

"Ooh snappy," Shawn says

"My mom is going to kill me." I say looking at him

"Leah would you go on a date with me next Friday?" He asks

"I can't." I say sitting on my bed. He walks into my room

"Why not?" He pouts abit.

"I'm not allowed to." I say

"Please? It would make my year." He says looking at me

"Really? I bet you have girls lining up to be your girlfriend." I say. He shrugs slightly

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