Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

            Her head turned on the pillow and it was there he noticed the wet streak that trailed her cheek. His hand froze and his brow furrowed as he reached up and cupped her face.

            She had been crying for whom he wondered?

            He forced himself from her bed and for a moment, stood staring down at her. Had he been wrong in accusing her? How could he think otherwise when she had been betrothed and she had not denied carrying another man’s child?


            The morning light was heavy and grim, as her eyes fluttered wide; Ginelle slowly sat up and stared around the room.

            Had she imagined it? Surely she had thought Dorian had come to her in the night? She shook her head for he repelled the sight of her, what reason would he have to come to her?

            The notion brought sudden tears to her eyes as her hands fell lightly on her budding belly. She wouldn’t give up hope, she vowed determinedly. She would convince him of her love and prove to him that she carried his child.

            She had suffered many hardships and refused to cower from this. Surely if his hatred burned so deep, there must have been some sort of affection before it all? He must have felt something for her to shun her so painfully? He had not banished her from Ashford, certainly that meant something?

            Her chest expanding with a small ball of hope, she arose from bed and began to dress. She took her time, contemplating ways of expressing her everlasting love. She would make him see; she thought with a hopeful smile, she would make him see how wrong he had been in his allegations.  

            As she started for the door, she stopped suddenly, remembering the beautiful red-haired woman from yesterday. She shook her head of the image, not wanting anything to deter her from her purpose. She would make him see.


            “Where is Master Dorian?” Lucile peered up from beneath the cupboard to stare curiously up at Ginelle looming above her.

            The housekeeper straightened to address her young mistress, “I believe he’s gone into town, my dear.”

            Ginelle frowned, “But his wounds have not completely healed?” she said, her words laced with concern.

            The older woman shrugged helplessly, “He refused to reason. He said he had important business to see too, concerning Sir Stefan.”

            Ginelle’s heart dropped in her chest. Surely Dorian wouldn’t hurt his own Lieutenant, he had to know that Stefan’s intentions had been honorable?

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