Lost my sun but found my moon

Start from the beginning

Jacob P.O.V.

I looked in the trees behind her and could smell what she was talking about her.I told her to go tell the guys there was a vampire in the rez and she took off running. Man was she fast for a kid.

Martricia P.O.V.

I ran through the door and caught my breath before speaking. " Martricia what's wrong?" Sam said coming to my side. " Jacob told me to tell you guys thats there's a vampire on the rez and if you don't mind me saying, who ever they are they stink pretty bad." " What, Seth, quil , Embry, go and help Jacob." they nodded and ran out the door faster than I did." Martricia, is this your first time in life smelling that smell?" he asked me with a serious face. " No, I smelled it once when I was like seven but thats was the only time." I panted again finally catching my breath.

" Emily you and Martricia stay here, Paul you make sure that no one steps foot in the house thats an order. " Sam ran out the door and Emily shut it afterwards.I sat on the couch holding my hair." Martricia, its gonna be okay they'll be fine." I nodded and he touched my shoulder."Oh god!" I looked up at him and smiled. " I know Its been like this for a least two months now, my granddad said it was gonna happen probably a little after my birthday." I sighed and went in the kitchen where Emily sat looking worried. " Emily, I don't fully understand the imprinting thing but i know Sam won't let anything happen to himself or the guys. She looked at me and smiled. " You're one strong girl f i do say so myself."

I hugged her as she was already use to my warm skin. i took out a water bottle and began to drink it. The guys walked in an hour later and boy did the smell ." wow, uh im gonna go up stairs I seriously can't take that smell. i sped up the stairs and headed to take another shower.

I took the towel and wrapped it around me. I peaked out the bathroom door and ran straight in my room. I put on my pajama pants that were blue and a dark blue shirt that said Im totally nuts with a squirrel on it. I pulled on some footies and headed down stairs." Hey look who it is, the little speed runner herself." I laughed." Thanks guys." " No thank you, if it wasn't for you i could've been tackled and had by 3 vamps, you run pretty fast kid." said Jacob as I sat on the couch watching a boring commercial.

I snatched the remote out of Seth's hand and stuck my tongue at him. He raised his hands up in defeat. I smiled and change it to one of my favorite movies.*Van helsing* "What are you serious this is like one of my all time favorites." Seth said while watching the movie and looking at me in the corner of his eyes. I took out my glasses so could see the movie better." Yeah I just love how the girl is just so powerful and independent but its sad at the end" I said with a smile. I suddenly felt tired during the ending so I feel asleep on Seth's shoulders.

Seth P.O.V.

She nodded off to sleep and laid on my chest.She looked so peaceful. I pulled her glasses off and sat them on the table." Hey seth you wanna..." I shh Quil as he walked in. " Sorry dude." He sat in the chair on the other side of me. I looked at her face. She was two years younger than me. She was so independent herself.I loved her mile when she laughed at something, I loved how she looked after running or even when she was asleep. The fact had come to me. I loved her. Paul walked in and looked at me with a grin on his face and Jacob walked in after him. They both looked at me and the Martricia that was sleep against my chest.

" Dude, jacob called out "YOU IMPRINTED ON HER!!" She jumped up and looked around. "What's going on?" she asked as she wiped her eyes." Seth you need to tell her." Sam called out from behind me." Martricia can we go out on the front porch?" "Sure why not." she said as she got up and headed for the door. " Look Martricia you're a nice girl and I know I just meet you yesterday but I have to tell you I ..." I couldn't get my words out , so she finished my sentence with hesitation" You imprinted on me." i looked up at her smiling face as I grabbed her into a hug.

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