naruto and ichiro leave

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It's been a week since sasuke left the village me and naruto are about to leave on our training trips and won't be back for two and a half years in two days I had to have my sword reforged I just been spending the day with my mother she insisted I spend time with her before I leave in my trip with father so I do sakura was very upset when we failed to bring sasuke back she wouldn't say a word to me or naruto more so to naruto since he promised her me and my mother are walking home when I see tenten I walk up behind  her me and her started going out I wrap my arms around her waist he gasps at first but when she knew it was me she leans back into me I say hey you what have you been up to she says training with Lee and neji I node and say does he still want me to stay away from you she nodes and says yea and he's right in front of me I look up to see a very mad hyuuga he yells GET YOUR HANDS OFF TENTEN I say make me he flares his byakugan I flare my sharingan he says afraid of getting your ads whipped uchiha I say no but I'm no push over hyuuga his eyes return to normal and he walks away saying consider this your last warning stay away from tenten or there will be a fight and I will beat you I snort and say he needs to take a chill pill tenten nodes I say you know I'm leaving in a couple of days right she nodes and turns around to face me and says I know but I will miss you I say I'll miss you to but two and a half years goes by quickly I'll be training hard so I can protect the village and you she blushes I chuckle at kiss her I can see my mother smiling I say I'll return stronger and as the head if the uchiha clan and uchiha tradition states I must marry when I'm 17 and if you are willing will you be my wife she blushes real badly I say you don't have to answer now I'll wait until I return for your answer she nodes I kiss her one more time and say I need to go finish packing for my trip I would love it if you came to see me off she nodes and kisses me and says I will I smile and walk back over to my mother she is smiling and says I heard what you asked her I blush a little and say well if she says yes than your going to be a grandmother one day we walk home and I pack for my trip as I was Amaterasu comes in with what looks like a dog version of a jonin flax jacket in I raise an eyebrow she says what I say what's with the flax jacket I took a closer look and I saw the uchiha symbol on the back instead of the uzimaki symbol she says lady hokage says I have to wear this says it will help those who don't know me know I'm not a threat I node and finish packing most of it is in a sealing scroll once i was done i head down stairs and see my grandparents,parents, and my uncle my dad says its time to go son  i node and we walk out and head for the main gate as we get there i see naruto and lord jiraiya heading out naruto sees me and yells ichiro  i wave and naruto runs over and says heading out to  i node and say yea to complete my training to become the head of my clan  he sees my dad and says  this your dad  i node he bows and says  its an honor MR uchiha  my dad nodes and says come ichiro we got a long journey ahead of us  i node and say hai tou-san see yea naruto get stronger  he nodes and says  you to  i say dont worry i will  i hear some one yell ICHIRO i turn around and see tenten she runs over and says sorry im late my dad needed help with the shop  i node and say its ok  she hugs me and then kisses me and says come home stronger and i will have an answer to your question  i node and i kiss her and i walk out the gate with my father of to the uchiha home land high in the mountains of the land of fire i whistle and Amaterasu appears beside me i pet her head and we get walking    

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