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Credits from this chapter to ZoeNightshade6577 ! I adopted this book from her; go follow her!!

Disclaimer: I am not good enough to write PJO and HOO

Anyways, here's the chapter.

-----Story Starts Here-----

Bianca POV

I woke up cold, hungry, and confused.

I remember stumbling around in the rubble, trying to get a large sheet of metal off me. I was so panicked and desperately trying to wedge myself out. I managed to wiggle into a more comfortable position.

Taking deep breaths to calm my nerves, I looked around for something hard, like a hammer. Guess what? I found a hammer lying a few feet away. I stretched out to grab it and barely touch it with my fingers when I started to feel shocks of pain flow through me. I recoiled, taking the hammer with me.

Breathing hard, I smashed the metal to bits before me and shakily tried to stand. It worked. Wobbling, I made my way out of the place that looked like a junkyard, though I wasn't sure how I was so certain it was.

When I finally reached safer ground, I started to think through my situation, but it wouldn't work because I couldn't remember anything. All I could remember was my name, Bianca di Angelo. I didn't know how I'd gotten there or what I was doing. I didn't think I had any relatives. I didn't even know why I was existing.

Breathing short, shallow breaths, I had tried to calm my broiling stomach. I didn't know anything. I didn't remember anything. Well, I guess I'll just try to remember things later, when I get out of here. I may not remember anything, but I do know that this place doesn't look friendly.

I ran as fast as I could away until I couldn't breathe anymore. I was still in the desert, many more miles of sand stretching out before me. I knew I would never make it out alive. I tried racking my brains for anything. The best plan I thought of was to catch my breath and go back to the junkyard to see if one of those cars still worked.

I walked back, slowly, and tried all the cars. One reared to life for a short while, and I made it a good distance. The car broke down, and I wasn't a mechanic, so there was no hope in fixing it.

I couldn't help it, I started crying at my lost case. I didn't want to die pitifully in the desert and not know how I ended up in the desert. I curled up in a ball and thought I'd die of heat, starvation, and thirst.

I was quickly proved wrong, as the sun started to go down. It was getting colder by the minute, and I knew I had to get a fire going or else I would die of cold instead of heat. I thought if I positioned the metal correctly from the sun, I could burn wood or something.

In the trunk of the car, it had scraps of metal, wood, plastic, sulfur, and rocks. I grabbed a bunch of rocks and wood, and got a fairly good sized sheet of metal. I didn't question why it was in the car, but was thankful that it was.

I dug up a pit and placed the rocks in a circle around it. I dumped the wood in a shallow pit and tried to catch the last bits of sunlight. It was getting darker, and I was about to give up until a medium branch started to burn. Excited, I opened the car hood and took my hands and grabbed a handful of gas and dumped it in the fire. Some of the remaining wood flared up brightly, and heat filled my face.

I closed the hood and curled up next to the car by the fire, resting against it. I started to have the crazy idea of hope.

I rummaged in the car until I opened up every nook and cranny and found all it's contents. Sadly, it was just more metal and a few gears, no food or anything. I managed to dislodge the back seats, so I set it outside the car and ripped up one side for all the fluff, then draped it over me stupidly. Laying on the seats near the fire, I felt comfortable and warm, feeling bette, except for the fact that my stomach was growling.

Bianca di Angelo: A Puzzle of MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now